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Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts

21 August 2018

Tips On Managing Stress & Negative EmotionsπŸ’‘πŸ†˜

Let's talk about STRESS⚠️ 

Everyone experiences stress in daily life. Stress on work projects, family matters, parenting, relationships, financial, school exams, and the list goes on...

I have the opportunity to interact with people from different walks of life via phones, emails and social media lately and I realized that many are battling with stress/depression, so I thought I should blog on this subject and share my personal tips on how I deal with stress and my negative emotions. 
Now, take a moment to think...

Why do you feel stressed, unhappy, angry or depressed? What exactly is bothering you? Was it someone that pisses you? nasty remarks? some past incidents or bad experiences that upset you? Have a thought about that one! 

It is important to find out the ROOT of the problem that causes all these negative feelings. Without knowing what triggers stress, it's hard to deal with negative emotions. 

Well, you could find a psychiatrist or a therapist for help but they might not solve your problems because they won't be able to eliminate all your stress and negative feelings so ultimately, it is YOU who must help yourself to manage your emotions in a long run, because no one knows you better than yourself! πŸ˜‰

Don't get me wrong, people! I have a lot of respect for doctors/physicians and their professions, they are very important in our society. I truly admire their medical knowledge and the sacred oath to save lives... 

Unfortunately, many people are struggling with prolonged stress and depression but they are unable to get much help and can't afford expensive therapy sessions.
So before you rush to get yourself diagnosed with Depression, Anxiety, etc.. you can try some tips and adjust your lifestyle with good habits & routines. If you feel that things are still not improving and you are getting more emotional...PLEASE seek professional help and see a doctor soon.

Here are my 12 Tips To Manage Stress -(*Contents for reference only, no medical information intended)

Tip #1: Organize Your Time. Don't rely on your memory, use a diary or a notepad. Set reminders alarms on your phone for daily important tasks and upcoming appointments. 

Tip #2: Don't Skip Breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day. Don't start the day with an empty stomach because you may feel restless and unfocused at work/school. Hence, making mistakes that cause stress again. Drink enough water every day, I like Green Tea, Flower Tea and fruit juice, they are so good and refreshing.πŸ‘

Tip #3: Don't stay at home all day. Go out! Inhale the scent of nature, get some fresh air and Sunshine! 🌞 You can take a walk at the beach/park /garden/ or just taking a bus ride and do some light shopping at the mall. Keep yourself occupied with some things to do so you don't have too much free time to overthink. 

Tip #4: Turn on the radio and listen to some music! Good music can reduce stress and brightens up your day. Watch a comedy and have a good laugh! Laughter is often the best healer and it doesn't cost a cent! 😍

Tip #5: Do some Sports. You don't have to be a professional athlete. Sweat it out! A good workout can help reduce stress. I play Basketball and I enjoy shooting the ball into the basket and it reminds me that as long as you keep moving and stay focused, you'll reach your goals! It's a pretty cool sport.. not only it makes you slimmer, but it also makes you fitter too! 😘

Tip #6: Meditate for 10-15 mins every day if you can. Find a quiet place, visualize the flowing water or the sea waves and control your breathing. You can use diffusers if you are into Aromatherapy like me. My favorite is, Ylang-Ylang, Tea Tree and Chamomile.

Tip #7: Have some dark chocolates or light Ice-creams. I have sweet tooth and I do feel happier after having some yummy desserts, but do not eat them every day,  especially if you are on a diet.Lol 😁

Tip #8: Stay away from toxic people! You don't need negative vibes from them to add more stress. Hang around with happy, positive people who are fun, friendly, helpful and supportive. You'll feel more lively and happier too.

Tip #9: Take a long beauty bath and pamper yourself! Go for body massage if you can spend a bit or ask your partner to give you a massage, Lol.. that way, you can have some romantic couple time without spending too much money. (Bonus!)πŸ‘

Tip #10: Get Enough Sleep. Be nice to your body. Good sleep is important for both the young and old, it helps to reduce stress but make sure your bedroom is well-ventilated and clean. I don't think anyone can really have a good sleep in a stuffy and cluttered room.

Tip #11: Take Pride in your Appearance. You don't have to dress like a Fashion chic or a Supermodel but basic grooming is still necessary, because when you dress well and look good, you feel more confident and great about yourself too, well..who doesn't like compliments, right? 😊That's a huge boost to reduce stress.

Tip #12: Set Realistic Goals. You are not a robot or Superman. There is no need to push yourself so hard to achieve all your goals in the shortest time. We are not in a race, so move at your own pace that you feel comfortable. There is no need to follow the majority crowd. It is OK to be different! Don't create unnecessary competitions for yourself. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses.

These are some tips on how I deal with my daily emotions. Stress is NOT a disease, it doesn't always need long term medication or therapy in my opinion. 

However, if stress is not well-controlled, it can lead to more serious mental health problems like depression, panic attacks, anxiety, low self-esteem, self-harm and even suicides. 

Be mindful that there will be many different challenges in life and stress is unavoidable, but we can learn to take charge and control our emotions and mental health. Feed y
our mind with happy thoughts and positive vibes because only YOU have the ability to control your emotions. Remember, it's just a bad day...NOT a bad life! 😎😘

Blogger Mommywarrior77

27 June 2018

Be A Buddy, NOT A Bully! πŸ’ͺ


I often wonder..why do people bully? was it for fun? trying to be cool? or simply just being a jerk! 😠

Anyway, I'm sure many of you have at least encountered a bully at some point in life or know someone who was bullied.. Unfortunately, bullies are everywhere..In schools, office, on the road, internet, public places and even in families sadly...

I recently witnessed a bully case in school that triggered me to blog this topic. Indeed, bullying is a huge social problem globally and it is a major concern for any parents.

Just a brief flashback...I was a bullied teen during high school. Being chubby and nerdy, the bullies in my class would picked on me all the time... Playing pranks on me, making fun of me with nasty name-callings. Whatever!..School wasn't a fun place for me, I hated school! I dragged myself to school everyday, I was an average grade student with good conduct but deep inside...I was counting down to graduation day. I'm so thankful that I survived those nightmares when I'm finally done with school, I was 'freed' at last and I could breathe freely again...

Now I am a mother of 2 young kids..I wouldn't want my kids to suffer the horrible experiences I had in school..No one deserve to be bullied! I wished someone taught me some self-defense so I could protect myself when the bullies attacked me. So...I encourage my son to learn Taekwondo, he is almost 7yo and has earned a Green belt.πŸ‘πŸ˜Š

Sometimes, I regretted being too timid because I was so afraid to challenge the bullies to defend myself and report them. I would just tolerate but feel miserable inside. I felt weak and so little about myself. That is one tough lesson I've learned in life, so Never put up with any bullying, seek help early and talk to someone about your problems. You don't have to suffer this alone in silence.

Do remember.. Silence isn't always golden. When you need to step up, speak up and defend yourself..Do It! Be brave enough to tell the bullies to Stop and Back off! Hiding your fear, your sadness and crying won't ever solve any problem! In fact, that would feed the bullies' ego and encouraged them to continue the bullying. When I read news about children / teenagers who committed suicide, it breaks my heart when young lives are lost in the result of prolonged abuses & bullying.😟

When I started working and learning about life as I grow..I became tougher, smarter, and I am grateful for my mentors who guided me along the way. I learn how to protect myself during danger, crisis and tacky situations, etc.. Through many life experiences and setbacks over the years, from zero to hero.. I am a stronger and wiser person today! A lady with confidence, strength and positive vibes.😊 Today, I am NO longer the nerd I was back in school. I remember no one ever noticed me during school days, I was invisible! Hmmm.. But now, I got attention from the public, strangers and I made heads turned..Hahaa! Many of my classmates couldn't recognise me when we met during our school gathering recently...There you go! The story of "The Ugly Duckling" does exist in real life and I am one good living example.😘

Here's a cool song by one of my favorite Singer, G.E.M. Love this song so much and the MV too..I can relate to the song and it's perfect for my blog! Check it out.. It's pretty awesome! Enjoy.. 😍😎

             Click here ➡️Song lyrics in English #SayNoToBullying

Studies have shown that bullies are loners, insecure, self-centered and attention seekers who are unhappy about life and themselves..Many came from violence, broken families and grew up from bad childhoods.

Whatever the reasons may be.. Any form of bullying is still Wrong! It Is Never Cool To Bully! I've always tell my is ok to be angry at times, but it is NOT ok to bully or hurt someone! There is no sensible or justified reasons to bully anyone! Young or old. Period!

As parents, it is our duty and responsibility to educate our children proper manners, moral values, self-discipline and respect. We should be role models and practise good examples for the kids to learn from. No parents would ever want to see their kids get hurt or being bullied anywhere, so we must teach our children some basic self-defense so they learn to protect themselves when there is danger because anyone could be a target for the bullies!

A physical scar may faded over time but an emotional scar will never be healed completely. Thus, it is hard to fix something that is badly damaged.

Prevention is always better than cure!

Let's remind ourselves and teach our children to practice kindness, compassion and treat everyone with respect always. Share and Pass it on... #SayNoToBullying

Blogger Mommywarrior77

20 April 2018

The Cyber Generation 🌎

Last week, I attended an interesting workshop on Cyber Wellness and met Mr Jim Lim, the speaker for the workshop. Personally, I think it is one of the best workshop that I have attended in the recent years. 

Jim is a friendly, humorous and intellectual speaker and his workshop is helpful, informative and engaging. I promise you won't doze off in his 4hrs+ workshop. I now have a better idea to guide my children as they grow into their teens and adulthood in years to come. 

We are in the Cyber Generation and Internet is part of our life..Hence, the trend, the temptations and the contents from the net influenced the mind and the overall well-being of the child when they are exposed to the Internet everyday. It is important for parents to be involved and bond with our children to help them understand about Internet safety and their curiosity as they grow.

I am amazed and inspired by his speech in this workshop. Jim who is also an experienced social worker have met many people / families from different walks of life, he shared many real life stories and his perspectives on Parenting.

We all know that Parenting is not an easy journey because there is No fixed or right formula. There will be tears, heartaches, anxiety but alot of joy along the way and from time to time, we need to experience many trial-and-error to understand what works the best for our children because every child is different and unique in their own ways.

As a parent myself and a mother of two, I am a protective and a strict Mom. However, unlike the majority, I am not one who focus too much on academic and good grades, because I believe life isn't only about having good grades. 

As much as I want my children to have a bright future and be successful in life but I wouldn't want my children to be top scholars but failed in morality, humanity and social skills/EQ. I want my kids to experience their life journey and to overcome the different challenges ahead and if they fall, I want them to learn to get back on their feet and keep moving forward but a stronger and wiser person each time they fall.

With all due respect, I strongly agree that good and proper education is very important for our generation and the human race. Knowledge Is Power! Without a strong educational foundation and support, there wouldn't be doctors, scientists and lawyers today!

Well..I'm not a big fan of books but if I will spent 12 bucks to get this book and to blog about it, it's definitely a great book that I would recommend to my friends and other parents, especially those who have an open and flexible mentality on Parenting.

The world is a crazy and hazard place, with shocking news everyday. Power, Violence, Fame, Fear, Greed, Lust and the list go on..Though we can't stop all the negativeness around the world but we can educate and guide our younger generation into the right path to shape our world a better place.🌎

Life is an exciting journey and Parenting is our responsibility! Teach our young the right and humane way of life, to build a better future for mankind.

For love, compassion and peace!❤

Blogger Mommywarrior77

10 April 2018

Friends or Foes? πŸ˜‡πŸ˜ˆ

As some of you already know that I’m a Blogger, many of you have visited my website and read my blogs but I keep a low profile for privacy and security reasons.

I have been blogging for a few years now, I enjoy writing and expressing myself. I blog about Life, Family, Parenting, Motherhood, Social Matters and random stuff. I made some really cool friends on the net but I also met many cyber bullies, keyboard warriors, and trolls in some active group chats and forums etc..

Hence, we can never understand their weird notions and their intentions. As a person who values integrity and true friendships, I will share some advise to warn people to be careful with the circles of ‘friends’ around them.

I have compiled some reliable information into a Checklist below. These are important rules to help you understand if you are dealing with a Friend or a Foe?πŸ˜‡πŸ˜ˆ

*** KEEP IN MIND ***

Rule #1 : Do NOT share too much personal information with casual 'friends',  you never know if they may betray you or expose your secrets with others and twist the story around for everyone to condemn you.

Rule #2 : Trust no one! Don’t be too trusting just yet. Set your boundaries and your comfort zone, if they are your real friends, you will know it sooner. Observe them.

Rule #3 : Beware of those who calls you Bro, Sis, Babe, Hun etc.. Not everyone who smiles at you are real friends. Keep in mind that even Salt look like Sugar!

Rule #4 : People change over the years, you can't expect the friends whom you haven't seen for a decade are the same nerds during school days. Someone who used to be kind and gentle could possibly turn out to be a monster or your worst enemies. Friends come and go, only the true ones stick around to share your happiness and sadness.

Rule #5 : Stay away from fake friends, if those who intend to harm you, badmouth and sabotage you..Hey! these aren’t genuine friends at all. Delete them, eliminate them, block them and strike off their contacts. Trust me, you don’t need them in your life!

Rule #6 : Choose your friends wisely. Stay with friends who are sincere, honest, supportive and they make you feel comfortable and who will never leave you out.

Rule #7 : Do NOT feed cyber bullies!!! Bullies are loners, self-centered and they are Never cool! The more you befriend with the bullies, the more negative vibes and troubles you will attract. Respect everyone equally, no one is superior than the others, stop sucking up and acting like clowns!

Rule #8 : Do NOT follow and believe everything blindly! Think and observe. A coin have 2 sides, listen and understand both sides of the stories before you act or judge anything.

I hope this Checklist can be a guide for people who have doubts about the friends around them. Indeed, everyone need friends but be very careful who you trust and hang out with because we are living in a complicated world surrounded by both "Angels" and "Devils" in our daily lives.

Share and Repost if you think this blog is helpful. Peace! 😎✌

Blogger Mommywarrior77

29 May 2017

12 Laws Of Karma πŸ‘

Hey everyone! :)

Well, it's school holiday now so i'm kinda' busy with my little ones, keeping them entertained with some cool family activities.;)

Not much to blog lately but here's a link to those who like to know more about Karma.:)

Take some time to read the link below and think about your life..Who knows you may find the Answers that you are looking for.:)

Click Link : The 12 Laws of Karma

For those who believe in Karma, good on you! :) For those who don't, well.. good luck!

I hope this information will change your life for better. πŸ™

Till then, take care and do good! :)

Blogger Mommywarrior77

17 March 2017

The Philosophy Of Life...😊😎

Had a long chat with my mentor the other day and here are some great advise about life for those who read my blogs.:)

1) Don't live with guilt and regrets. What is gone, will never return. Not everything comes with a second chance.

2) Say what you feel, follow your heart and always do the RIGHT things. A Conscience mind has nothing to fear. 

3) To seek Peace, stay away from Toxic people. Negativeness is contagious. Understand that some people will never change or admit their mistakes..they shall deal with their own consequences eventually. 

4) Do Good Reap Good. Do Evil Reap Evil. A beautiful heart is a beautiful soul. Life will not get better when you steal, cheat or rob. When it's not yours, it never will be.The possession is only temporary.

5) What the parents do, will effect the children. What the children do, will effect the parents.

6) Always be thankful for what you have in life. More doesn't always means good. Less is More.

7) Be nice & kind to your family. Love and respect your spouse. Children are gifts and blessings from above. They deserve a chance to live and to be loved. Abortion/Killing is still wrong. Seek forgiveness for the wrongdoings.

8) Never take anything/anyone for granted. Nothing truly lasts forever. Treat others the same way you want to be treated. Always stay positive and good vibes shall follows.

Life can be simple and beautiful. Happinese is rich and pure. Greed, Insecurity, Jealousy and Obsession will clutters your mind, body and soul. Focus on the Right track, be your own Compass and you'll always find the right direction to the destinations! ;)

Namaste! :)

Blogger Mommywarrior77

02 March 2017

A Beautiful Day - Spread Love & Kindness! πŸ’“

 I made someone happy today !!! :))))

There is this old uncle who sell fruits at our market, he always give me extra fruits and charge me cheaper. I really appreciate his kindness and generosity so I bought him Kopi siew-dai (not so sweet, in case he can't take too much sugar) on my way to school to fetch my son. He was alittle surprised but very happy to accept the coffee and he thank me countless times. Hence, it takes so little to make someone happy, the smile on his face is priceless and it makes me feel happy too! :)

An auntie who was at his stall walked up to me and said, "You are very kind, girl.. God bless you." I smiled and wish her a good day. Wow! I think I will be eating more fruits from now onwards.Lol!

Kindness is a 2-way traffic, when you are nice to people, others will be nice to you. It's that simple! :)

That is how I teach my children..There is so much we can do to spread love & kindness anytime, anyday and many ways. It always makes me feel good when I spread alittle kindness.:)

Have a wonderful day folks..Cheerio! ;)

Blogger Mommywarrior77