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Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts

22 February 2022

Things I Wish I Knew When I Was Younger

Have you ever wondered what would your life be if you had taken a different route on your career, relationships and goals etc...

I had a deep conversation with a good friend recently that triggered some flashback memories...
Over the years, I've learned many important lessons on the philosophy of life and humanity. I must admit that there are some things I wish I knew earlier that would probably saved my time and perhaps make better life choices. Nevertheless, I will share some random thoughts and my heartfelt advice from these valuable life lessons and hope it evaluates your wisdom and perspectives too.

Things I Wish I Knew When I Was Younger...

Set Boundaries
Be careful of the kindness and generosity you give. Unfortunately, many people are takers without gratitude. If you are an Empath like me, it is extremely important to set boundaries to protect yourself from being taken for granted and drained by energy vampires. Set your limits, too much empathy can be harmful. Don't ever burn yourself out to keep others warm.⚠️

Don't try to fit in a group and be a people pleaser just because you are afraid to stand alone. Standing alone is better than being disrespected. Understand that not everyone will like you and that's OK. If they don't appreciate your kindness and reciprocate your efforts, these are not your people and you are in the wrong tribe.

Grades Don't Define Intelligence
I know this is not a favorite, but I will say it anyway. Higher education doesn't always make someone smarter or superior than the rest. Keep in mind that a smart and successful business man doesn't have to be a Math genius. Doing well in schools doesn't mean you'll do well in life. School and working life is a totally different setting. Many intelligent, wealthy and successful people I know never had a degree, so don't berate yourself and devalue your worth! It is superficial and stereotype to judge intelligence solely on academic grades. Intelligence and wisdom is a lot more than just papers.(I do agree with Mr. Elon Musk!😊)
Age Doesn't Define Maturity
Maturity is reflect on how a person react and respond to various circumstances. It's about responsibility, accountability, self-discipline and the right attitude. Don't be fooled by age, a 40yo could still 'act' like a 14yo on how they handled situations and crisis.
True Beauty Is Being Who You Are
Most women feel insecure about their weight, because being 'thin' is projected as the beauty standard in the society, but what is physical beauty if you have a bad character? For me, there is no ugly people, only ugly personalities! Babes, you gotta' stop comparing yourself with the runway models and celebrities. 

Beauty comes in different sizes and shapes. You are gorgeous if you have a great personality and a beautiful soul! We all have some flaws and no one is perfect. True beauty and attraction is being confident in your own skin and being happy for who you are!

Time Is Precious, Don't Waste it!

Sometimes we may postpone our plans waiting for the 'right' time but accomplished nothing in the end! 

Procrastination is the thief of time, it cause delays, disorientation and missed opportunities. In my honest opinion, there is NO PERFECT timing for anything, so be flexible and realistic. Create opportunities in the present. If you are always waiting for a "Miracle", you may end up waiting for years and feeling disappointed when you lost all the motivation and passion when your age is catching up. 

Don't waste your time and find more excuses... Focus what you really want and do it NOW! I regret wasted so much time in the wrong jobs, people, places and choices that I wish I could undo my mistakes but now, I truly know what I want and my purpose in life.

The Perfect Dream Lover Don't Exist!
No marriages or relationship is all sunshine and lovey-dovey. Yes, I am a hopeless romantic who believes in true love, but the ecstatic and infinity love story of "Romeo & Juliet" don't exist in the real world. Every couples have some issues and good relationships are built on a strong foundation with patience, trust, forgiveness, empathy, support and surviving the storms together.

Don't Tell Anyone Everything
A friend today could be an enemy tomorrow! Don't be too trusting with people, not everyone is genuine and loyal to you. They could be smiling in front of you and stab you at the back. A fake and jealous 'friend' could betray you anytime, so the less information they know, the safer you are, what people don't know can't be ruined.😘


Hope Is NOT A Strategy
People will tell you "Not to lose hope..." but these are words of comfort that doesn't serve much purpose nor solutions, but don't get me wrong, I am not saying we should give up hope, but 'Hope' itself is NEVER a strategy. If you want to achieve something in life, you have to work for your goals. "Hoping" will never do anything for you when there is zero action. Every success and victory requires hard work, good strategies and consistent efforts. False hopes are more dangerous than fears!

Talk Is Cheap
People will letyou down and promises will be broken. Don't expect too much from others or believe everything they said. Pay attention and watch their actions instead. If their words and actions don't match, stop serving good vibes to those who deserve goodbye! Never try to hurt a kind person and think it is alright to apologize later. Even the nicest people have their limits. They may never forgive you for the broken trust and the emotional scars.

Treat everyone with respect. It's ok to be angry, but it is NOT ok to be cruel! One grave mistake can result serious consequences permanently and living with guilt is tormenting. So always remind yourself to think before you speak and act, because sorry are just words that can't fix everything.

Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone
We are living in a world of judgement, prejudices and deception. No matter what you do, you'll get judged anyway. Never give anyone the power to control your mind and manipulate your emotions. Their criticisms and opinions don't feed you or pay your bills. Be wise to ignore the negativity and those who try to put you down. You are in charge of your happiness and life is too short to worry about how others see you. Get out of the shell and express yourself. Live life to the fullest and always do what makes you happy! 😎       

Everyone will have some regrets at some point in life. I've been there and done that! but don't look back, we are not going that way! Forgive yourself for the mistakes but remember the lessons. 

Life has many amazing ways to teach us everyday and each time you fall, you learn to get up STRONGER with the wisdom and courage inside you. Remember, the past version of yourself is so proud of how far you've achieved and the best is yet to come!

"Sparkle Up and Keep Shining!"⭐🌞

10 March 2019

Dare To Dream! (The Spirit Of Success) 🏆

Everyone has dreams and goals in life.

I love motivational speech. When I hear success and life-changing stories of people from all walks of life. It broadens my perspectives and inspired me to achieve my goals. Words create deep impact....and many times, one good advice could change your life.

So the question is, how do we achieve the goals? I have never seen or heard of anyone who only talks and is successful without any planning and hard work, so the point is to put your dreams/goals into actions with the right strategies.

I read many stories about successful people and I realized that these people have similar traits ;

-They have positive visions.
-They are open to new ideas.
-They are strong-willed.
-They think out of the box.
-They have great self-motivation skills.

Indeed, self-motivation is really important in our daily life. It is a skill to help you push yourself to move forward and keep on trying even after you failed many times.

Do you still remember when you first learn how to ride the bicycle? At first, you wobbled, trying to find the balance and was so afraid to fall...but as you keep trying (after a few falls) and learning to balance yourself, the bike moves steadily in your speed when you take full control. That is the same theory for success, to motivate yourself and achieving your goals eventually.

I will share my personal advice on how I motivate and encourage myself to achieve my dreams/goals.😉

1) Don't be afraid to fail
I know failure sucks!...everyone experience rejection at some point in life and failure is part of life journey but each time you failed, you learn something new. No one is a true failure until they choose to quit! Even one of the most successful entrepreneur, Jack Ma (Alibaba Group) got rejected 30times. So don't feel discouraged, keep trying and never give up!

 2) Have a concrete plan
Know your strength and understand what you are good at, it doesn't matter if it is a short or long-term plan. A plan is the first baby step in reaching your goals. Like my teacher used to say..."If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!" That is true! Without a plan or strategy to work on your goals, it's like a ship cruising in the ocean without a destination.

 3) Read
Knowledge is power! Well, I have to admit I'm not a huge fan of books, but I love reading motivational & inspirational books because it makes me feel positive about life, it boost up my self-confidence and morales as well. The more knowledge and positivity you feed your brain, the more motivated you are! 

 4) Learn from successful people
You don't have to follow exactly what they did or start making crazy investments but understand the KEY ingredients that generate good results and success.

5) Don't waste time
Take the first step. You may have great ideas/plans for years but if you don't make the first step to work for your goals, these dreams will never turn to reality. You can sit all day, playing your computer games and wish for something great to happen or you can take the first step and make things happen! Don't wait for tomorrow, start now! It is your life, your future and the choice is yours.

6) Open to new ideas and explore new opportunities
I was in Sales & Marketing and Customer Service industry for many years before I got married. I never thought I would be a blogger one day, but it's a great honor and I was over the moon when I got Google Adsense approval within a week after one application. It is every blogger's dream to get Google Adsense approval to serve the ads on their blogs/websites. There you go! Anything is possible!

 7) Have a positive attitude
Without a good and positive attitude, no one can truly be successful in the long run, in any industry, etc..It's ok to feel emotional in different situations but once you sort out your emotions...Learn to pick yourself up fast and keep moving forward. Train your mind to be positive, even if you failed, it's not the end of the world! You can always try again.

 8) Learn new skills
Learning is a great way to exercise your brain and keep the brain cells active, it is very rewarding when you pick up new skills and gaining new knowledge. In my opinion, no one is too old to learn anything, if you want to do it!

 9) Don't complain too much
It's perfectly fine to grumble and vent out your frustrations sometimes, but too much complains make you feel bitter, demoralized and it's a waste of time! If you are really unhappy about something, change it or improve it! Feeling sorry for yourself will never help you achieve anything. 

10) Patience
This is one of the biggest challenges for most people but you really need to give yourself time to see some good results. Don't expect a fat paycheck or instant revenue immediately, it doesn't work that way! Every success takes time whatever your goals are. Rome wasn't built in a day and a baby needs 9months to be ready to see the world.  

The journey of life is a learning experience. We are constantly learning and exploring new things every day since the day we were born...Learning to crawl, walk, talk and mature gradually...

I don't believe in taking short-cuts, I believe that hard work, perseverance and determination are the spirits of success. No one can guarantee your success even when you follow all the great advice from famous and successful people, but sensible advice and suggestions are good strategies to motivate you to achieve the goals. 

I am not an expert or a guru in giving advice. I have failed many times and I've learned many things the hard way but that made me a stronger and wiser person I am today. 

I strongly believe..where there is a will, there is a way! I don't think I am successful yet but I'm striving to improve myself every day and I'm proud of myself for the achievements that I worked for, over the years.

Self-motivation is not always easy, we are humans and sometimes we breakdown, we feel depressed and lost...but despite all these challenges and setbacks, we have to master the skill of self-motivation and it goes a long way because in the end, you are the one who has to motivate yourself in life and no one else can do it for you.

Make plans for the future. Set goals, dream big and stay focused. Always believe in yourself and work hard to achieve success! Who knows one day you could be standing on the stage, giving a powerful speech to motivate others and share your success stories.

Last but not least...always remind yourself these golden words! 
" I Can, I Must, I Will "

Sharing is caring! Feel free to share this blog and spread words of motivation to inspire others! 👍 

Blogger Mommywarrior77

28 February 2019

Love Builds A Happy Home ❤️🏡

I love children.

I've always dreamed of having a big family with lots of kids around the house. I love their innocent minds and purest hearts. Their lovely smiles and funny giggle always warms my heart! 😍

Raising a kid here in Singapore is pretty expensive, so two is just perfect for me and I'm very thankful to be blessed with 2 beautiful kids in my life. I admit I'm not the most patient mum in the world, but I'll always protect them, love them with all my heart and provide them the best I could. That is my promise, my responsibility to my children and I'll never break that promise!

Some days, my kids made me really upset and drive me nuts, but as a mother, you'll always see the beauty in them and forgive them anyway. No mothers I know would ever hold grudges against their own children.

Hence, parenting is a challenging journey. Personally, I feel that every child is unique in their own ways so I wouldn't want to compare them with anyone and I don't follow a fixed formula in parenting because a lot of answers are never found in books. To me, it's all about trial & error and being flexible for your child's needs, but that's just my opinion.

I'm sharing some thoughts on family life and parenting today because I feel strongly for my close friends (mothers too) who shared with me how tired and frustrated they are, to manage everything alone when their husband is at work or out of town for months. I could relate to how they feel because my hubby works long hours too, sometimes, I feel so exhausted doing the endless house chores and mothering the kids at the same time. 

There are days when I am so busy with the kids and my online biz that I hardly have much time to blog. Most days, I only get a few hours of sleep. (But that's fine, I don't sleep a lot

It gets worse when you are unwell and didn't have time to rest when you don't have any source of help near you.. No nanny, helper, in-laws, grandparents or someone you trust to help you out... Can you imagine how crazy and stressful it is, with zero help?... Homemakers are not made of steel, we need rest too, like everyone else!

All I could do was give my friends hugs for comfort and support. Lend them my ears to listen, whenever they want to vent their frustrations and unhappiness. 

Besides the struggle...Do you realize that Mothers are always the ones who get judged and blamed? It is no wonder they are so stressed out and emotionally drained when they get judged almost everything...ALL THE TIME!

Say for example, when the kids misbehaved, show bad manners and attitude or get into some troubles, everyone starts pointing fingers at the mothers but rarely at fathers. Hmmm, but isn't parenting suppose to be a teamwork?... Well, I don't think it's right to blame only the Mums for bad parenting. Ah yes! I know Dads are the sole breadwinners, they work very hard every day to provide for the family, but a Daddy's role is equally important in parenting.

Actually, I have seen some good Daddies around lately. I think the new-age Dads are very cool! I must say I'm really impressed by how dedicated and devoted some fathers are. 

I once heard a Daddy singing "Baby Shark" to his toddler on a long bus ride, even when he sang out of tune, lol..I still think that was really sweet! Men are often viewed as a muscular and manly figure, so when a Dad sings a kid song or nursery rhymes to his child in public...Wow! You got my attention, Mister! Thumbs up, Daddy! 👍 

I feel that in order to build a happy family, both Mummies and Daddies have to be involved in parenting because they are the ones who shape the kid's personalities and the person they grow up to be.

My point is, parenting is a team effort! It is never only the Mummy's or Daddy's duty to do certain roles, it's all about supporting each other and teaching the children the right things as parents. 

Keep in mind that your spouse is your life partner, not a slave or a machine, it's not humanly possible for anyone to take all the roles in parenting alone. Do not take anyone or anything for granted. Your partner needs support, your attention, understanding and appreciation too. 

The children are your labor of love..Therefore, both Mummy and Daddy play the most important roles in the parenting journey. Kids learn from their parents, always! When you show love, respect and kindness to others. Chances are, your kids are more likely to follow the same way you did and become loving adults in the years to come.

Parenting is never easy because we all have emotions and bad days too, that is why you need support from your partner when you feel emotional or need some time-out! In my opinion, there is no perfect parenting nor a perfect family, only responsible parents who work hand in hand together. 

A warm and happy family isn't built overnight, it takes years, a lot of patience and hard work from both parents...But together, you can build a happy family so long as you work as a team... and happy home, raise happy kids! 👦👧

Let me know what's your thoughts on Parenting / Parenthood? 

Happy Parenting, Mummies & Daddies! 😘 

Blogger Mommywarrior77

05 January 2019

Why I Love Blogging...📝

Growing up as a child, I was a quiet and introvert girl who would spend hours to write a journal. I started writing a diary when I was 10 when my Mum gave me my first diary on my Birthday. 

As I grow older, I continue to write my diary as often as I could. I would pen down my thoughts, emotions, important events and special moments of my life so that I could recall all these memories when I grow old. Writing a diary has been a routine for me ever since. 

When I started my blogging journey, people would tell me, "Blogging is a waste of time! Nobody actually has time to read! It's hard to survive in this industry..", etc.. Perhaps they are right but that wasn't a concern to me because once I set myself to do something, nothing can change my mind and a very special incident reinforced my passion about blogging.

One evening, while I was checking my emails, I received a thank you note from someone who was not in my contact list and it wrote.. "You saved my life...Thank you! " At first I thought that might be spam because I couldn't recall any incident that relates to the message. 

As I read on...I understand from the sender 'R' who was dealing with depression, wanted to give up life. Thankfully, 'R' dropped that idea after reading my blogs. Long story short, I am really glad that 'R' made the right choice to live and found the strength to face the challenges in life.  

I never thought my blog could save someone's life but I'm glad it did. Frankly, I did felt like a 'Hero' at that moment and it was a huge boost that motivates me to continue blogging till now. I love what I do, I feel good to express myself and reaching out to people through blogging and even if I have to sacrifice my beauty sleep,lol..I still think it's worth it!
Honestly, I don't really know who and how many people actually read my blogs but even if only one person benefits from the contents of my blog and have changed his/her life positively, I will never stop blogging! 

Life isn't a bed of roses, there will be hurdles and setbacks along the way, sometimes all you need is some words of encouragement, motivations to change your thoughts and sort things out. It's no doubt that words create a powerful impact! Blogging has emboldened me to be more confident and outspoken, it also helped broaden my horizon and my perspectives in life. 

I don't have a fancy layout blog page, or cool freebies/giveaways etc..I prefer simplicity. Less is more to me and my main objective for blogging is to share my personal experience, sensible advise and hope the contents of my blog could inspire and motivate the readers. That to me is much more meaningful and rewarding as a Blogger. 

I believe every Blogger is unique. We all have different writing styles, beliefs, perspectives, goals & experiences to share to the world. In my opinion, it doesn't matter if you are a newbie or a veteran blogger, so long as you blog with a sincere heart to inspire and motivate others in your own style, that is the right attitude and the true beauty of blogging.

Singapore Top 30 Lifestyle Bloggers

Mommywarrior77 is honored to be featured as Singapore Top 30 Lifestyle Blogger by Feedspot. I am grateful for the recognition and express my heartfelt appreciation to the diligence team of Feedspot. Thank you and much love! 😊

Blogger  Mommywarrior77

23 December 2018

Have You Been Naughty Or Nice? 😈😇

As the bus drove by along Orchard Road...I glanced through the window looking at the busy streets filled with happy shoppers, beautiful lightings and fancy decorations...Yay! It's Christmas!!! My favorite time of the year...🎄🎅❤

Every December, I would make my New Year resolutions and do a quick recap on the whole year events.

How have 2018 been 
for you? Have you been Naughty or Nice? Lol.😀

Honestly, I would say I've been a bit of both but mostly nice.😁 If you know me well enough, you know I'm always friendly, nice and warm to people who are genuine, kind and helpful. However, if anyone try to hurt or mess with my kids and family, I can be quite nasty that they can never imagine! So DON'T mess with the Mama Bear..Afterall, it's a maternal instinct for any mother to protect her children..Other than that, I'm as cool as a cucumber. LOL!

2018 has been another busy and eventful year for me..Mostly involving with my kids events, random contests, school life, some oversea trips, lots of fun parties/celebrations and gatherings with good friends. 

I'm very proud of my son who achieved an Integrity Award from his school. He scored 95% for moral education as well.(Welldone, baby!) The form teachers feedback about his good conducts and school grades. My daughter will be starting Pre-school in Jan 2019. She is super excited about school life, she carries her new school bag everyday, walking around the house, packing the crayons and color pencils into her bag.😁

My online business is doing pretty well this year and I'm grateful for the 100% positive feedback from my regular and new customers. Thank you all so much for the support. I've won some prizes from random lucky draws and costume contests earlier, very thankful to Lady Luck for being so kind and generous to me in the recent months! 😍🙏

I also made a couple of new friends and interesting people early this year that inspired me on the perspective of life.👍

As I recalled some unhappy past events, I realized that family is STILL the Most important thing in the world.. No amount of money can ever buy family love, loyalty and unity.

Indeed..What is happiness when you are rich with no family and true friends around you? No thanks! I wouldn't want to be rich but lonely! My family will always be my top priority. Nothing can replace them! I will always love and protect my family. Period!

I've also learned to keep a distance from the black sheeps and the troublemakers who caused some dramas earlier! It is so true that life is more peaceful when you stay away from negativeness and toxic people. I see a huge difference since...

Christmas is a season of giving, hope, joy and a wonderful time to spend with your family and love ones. I'm glad I've done my new year resolution and still have a little spare time to write a short blog today and do a shout-out here to all my readers, to wrap up 2018.

I hope 2019 bring more joy, laughters and blessings to everyone! Always treasure your family! Family bonding is very important if you want a happy home. Make time for them, organize family outings, have movie nights or do some sports together. Your work and money can wait! 😉

True happiness and wealth in life are things that money can't buy. You are truly rich and blessed when you have a family who stick together and always stand by you through good times and bad times. Keep in mind that a family who sticks together, stays together! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 💗

On this peaceful evening, I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May the holiday season fill your home with joy, your heart with love and your life with laughter. Have a fun celebration! Don't be in Santa's naughty list, folks! Lol! Do
 good and be kind always! 😘

For Love & Peace! ♥️✌️

Blogger Mommywarrior77

30 October 2018

The Pride Of Motherhood 👩💓


If you're a Mum, you know the struggle is REAL and the journey of Motherhood isn't always a smooth-sailing ride... I overheard a conversation the other day and I'll share my personal thoughts on Motherhood.

I am sure we have seen and heard many debates on Working Mums (WM) vs Stay-At-Home Mums (SAHM) and the battle never seems to end...

Personally.. I think such debates are pointless and quite silly because at the end of the day, we did it for our kids and the family so what's the purpose of proving which group gets more credits, we aren't earning for brownies or rewards points, are we? lol 😁

In my opinion.. I feel that as mothers, we should help and support one another instead of attacking, shaming and judging. If you are a working mum, it's cool to bring the bacon home, if you are a stay at home mum, that's wonderful to witness every precious milestone of your child each day.

My point is...Respect the roles of both group of Mothers. I have many friends who are working mums and I love them like sisters and as a stay/work at home mum myself, we face many challenges too and not every SAHM live a Tai-Tai (aka rich lady) lifestyle...and yes! I do understand the work stress for working mums as well..My friends complained to me all the time about their work projects,  long hours, frequent meetings and the nasty office politics they deal with everyday but stay at home mums have tons of endless housework and they hardly have any me-time for themselves, they don't get paid for doing everything, they got ZERO welfare, they have to deal with the cruel criticism and unfair judgement from the public as well. 

Indeed..Motherhood is a tough journey for both working mums and stay at home mums but it should NEVER be a competition or humiliation. I really think all mothers (SAHMs and WMs) deserve Equal credits, respect and recognitions in the society.

Just to share...years ago, a single lady in her 40s once asked me..."M, what do you do at home all day? Wow! honestly, I felt really pissed at that moment and I think that was kinda' rude.. I wonder why did she even asked when she already knew what SAHM does! But yes..we don't go to work like the office lady and getting a paycheck every monthly but we are not sitting all day, munching chips and catching Korean dramas.Lol! We are equally busy taking care of the kids everyday, making sure that they are well & fed and running the daily errands. 

It's really sad that people are so shallow and judgmental these days. 
No offense and pardon me but I wonder how does she feel when someone asked why isn't she married at her age. Ahh.. there you see! Sensitive and tactless questions like this are totally uncalled for and it only tigger tensions and unhappiness so it's best to zip up especially when people can't relate to the situations. 

Well..It's always easy to judge and make senseless remarks on others when they can't relate what Motherhood is all about and a mother's role in the family.. Say for example, if someone who can't cook or doesn't clean up the house, how can they truly understand and relate to the exhaustion from fixing meals for the family and doing the housework everyday?..What about pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding? Hey, not even a dad can relate that..just saying, Lol! So it really does take a mother to understand a mother! Period.

I hate to judge without knowing the truth, but that's me! Besides, it's really none of anyone's business whatever the decisions the mothers made for the family. Every household has different needs and demands. There is no standard formula in motherhood so why is there a need to compare who is better?

Here's a cool video that every mothers / parents should watch. Perhaps many have seen it before and I think it's one of the best motherhood advertisement that I have seen so far that speak a thousand words with a positive punch!👍

Motherhood is messy, crazy, tiring, stressful, exciting, rewarding and this list go on.. The last thing any mother need is someone making hurtful remarks to belittle and attack them. 

The next time you ask such questions..think about how others feel and how YOU feel when someone ask you a sensitive question back, if words that may sound hurtful and unkind..Don't do it! because those words that are spoken can never be erased! It's never cool to go around insulting and mocking mothers or anyone so it's wise to think before you speak. Learn to speak with respect, kindness and intelligence, that way you'll make a friend instead of an enemy.

I have the highest respect for many strong mothers that I've met, both working mums and stay at home mums. At the end of the day, we all play the SAME role of a mother. Please do not feel worthless just because you don't bring money home for the family and don't feel guilty for working during the weekends. You Are Still A Good Mum, Remember that!😎  

Whatever the choice proud of your role as a mother. Keep in mind that we do NOT have to live in the opinions of others. 
While the battle will still continue I'm sure, but allow me to speak with the pride of a mother. Thank you.😘

*Remark : This blog is specially dedicated to all the amazing mothers / Mommy Warriors for their hard work and sacrifices for the family. Love you Mums! 💕

Blogger Mommywarrior77