Everyone has dreams and goals in life.
I love motivational speech. When I hear success and life-changing stories of people from all walks of life. It broadens my perspectives and inspired me to achieve my goals. Words create deep impact....and many times, one good advice could change your life.
So the question is, how do we achieve the goals? I have never seen or heard of anyone who only talks and is successful without any planning and hard work, so the point is to put your dreams/goals into actions with the right strategies.
I read many stories about successful people and I realized that these people have similar traits ;

-They have positive visions.
-They are open to new ideas.
-They are strong-willed.
-They think out of the box.
-They have great self-motivation skills.
Indeed, self-motivation is really important in our daily life. It is a skill to help you push yourself to move forward and keep on trying even after you failed many times.
Do you still remember when you first learn how to ride the bicycle? At first, you wobbled, trying to find the balance and was so afraid to fall...but as you keep trying (after a few falls) and learning to balance yourself, the bike moves steadily in your speed when you take full control. That is the same theory for success, to motivate yourself and achieving your goals eventually.
I will share my personal advice on how I motivate and encourage myself to achieve my dreams/goals.๐
1) Don't be afraid to fail
I know failure sucks!...everyone experience rejection at some point in life and failure is part of life journey but each time you failed, you learn something new. No one is a true failure until they choose to quit! Even one of the most successful entrepreneur, Jack Ma (Alibaba Group) got rejected 30times. So don't feel discouraged, keep trying and never give up!
2) Have a concrete plan
Know your strength and understand what you are good at, it doesn't matter if it is a short or long-term plan. A plan is the first baby step in reaching your goals. Like my teacher used to say..."If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!" That is true! Without a plan or strategy to work on your goals, it's like a ship cruising in the ocean without a destination.
3) Read
Knowledge is power! Well, I have to admit I'm not a huge fan of books, but I love reading motivational & inspirational books because it makes me feel positive about life, it boost up my self-confidence and morales as well. The more knowledge and positivity you feed your brain, the more motivated you are!
4) Learn from successful people
You don't have to follow exactly what they did or start making crazy investments but understand the KEY ingredients that generate good results and success.
5) Don't waste time
Take the first step. You may have great ideas/plans for years but if you don't make the first step to work for your goals, these dreams will never turn to reality. You can sit all day, playing your computer games and wish for something great to happen or you can take the first step and make things happen! Don't wait for tomorrow, start now! It is your life, your future and the choice is yours.
6) Open to new ideas and explore new opportunities
I was in Sales & Marketing and Customer Service industry for many years before I got married. I never thought I would be a blogger one day, but it's a great honor and I was over the moon when I got Google Adsense approval within a week after one application. It is every blogger's dream to get Google Adsense approval to serve the ads on their blogs/websites. There you go! Anything is possible!
7) Have a positive attitude
Without a good and positive attitude, no one can truly be successful in the long run, in any industry, etc..It's ok to feel emotional in different situations but once you sort out your emotions...Learn to pick yourself up fast and keep moving forward. Train your mind to be positive, even if you failed, it's not the end of the world! You can always try again.
8) Learn new skills
Learning is a great way to exercise your brain and keep the brain cells active, it is very rewarding when you pick up new skills and gaining new knowledge. In my opinion, no one is too old to learn anything, if you want to do it!
9) Don't complain too much
It's perfectly fine to grumble and vent out your frustrations sometimes, but too much complains make you feel bitter, demoralized and it's a waste of time! If you are really unhappy about something, change it or improve it! Feeling sorry for yourself will never help you achieve anything.
10) Patience
This is one of the biggest challenges for most people but you really need to give yourself time to see some good results. Don't expect a fat paycheck or instant revenue immediately, it doesn't work that way! Every success takes time whatever your goals are. Rome wasn't built in a day and a baby needs 9months to be ready to see the world.
The journey of life is a learning experience. We are constantly learning and exploring new things every day since the day we were born...Learning to crawl, walk, talk and mature gradually...
I don't believe in taking short-cuts, I believe that hard work, perseverance and determination are the spirits of success. No one can guarantee your success even when you follow all the great advice from famous and successful people, but sensible advice and suggestions are good strategies to motivate you to achieve the goals.
I am not an expert or a guru in giving advice. I have failed many times and I've learned many things the hard way but that made me a stronger and wiser person I am today.
I strongly believe..where there is a will, there is a way! I don't think I am successful yet but I'm striving to improve myself every day and I'm proud of myself for the achievements that I worked for, over the years.
Make plans for the future. Set goals, dream big and stay focused. Always believe in yourself and work hard to achieve success! Who knows one day you could be standing on the stage, giving a powerful speech to motivate others and share your success stories.
Last but not least...always remind yourself these golden words!
" I Can, I Must, I Will "
Sharing is caring! Feel free to share this blog and spread words of motivation to inspire others! ๐
Blogger Mommywarrior77