"So how do we stay motivated with the uncertainty and new challenges ahead?"
I get asked this question recently...I was invited to a few private zoom meetings/interviews and discussions by corporate organisations, to share some insightful thoughts on Parenting, Family Life, Mental Wellness, Education and Self-Improvement etc.. I am honored to share my humble advice on my blog and hope these information could evaluate new ideas and broaden the perspectives on self-motivation.
Well, it is never easy to stay motivated every day, we all experience some struggles and stress in our daily life, therefore, it's important to practice self-discipline to control your emotions, thoughts and actions. Mastering self-motivation is a powerful skill that can help you manage your mental well-being, tackle the challenges and overcome obstacles.
The truth is, no one is born strong..It take years of experience, lessons, mistakes, adversity to build up strength, courage and wisdom. Every setback is an opportunity to learn and grow.
As a parent and a music mentor, I have to motivate my children and students. I strongly believe in diligence, determination, perseverance and a positive attitude.๐
Personally, I can accept failure, everyone fails at something, but I will not accept defeated without trying and putting the best efforts, but that's just me! ๐ No matter what you do and whatever dreams/goals you pursue, without motivation, no one can progress or achieve anything.
Here are my candid advice and thoughts to stay motivated, it has redirect me to stay on track whenever I am stuck in an impassive stage.
Tips To Stay Motivated :
1. Believe In Yourself (Be Your Own Hero!)

Don't rely on anyone to support or save you (sometimes you may never get any help). People come and go, not everyone will be there for you and stick around! Be your own hero, you are in charge of your life, learn to pull yourself up and push yourself forward. Trust and believe that you are capable to achieve great things. You become what you believe!
2. Invest In Yourself.(Knowledge Is Power!)
Never stop learning. You are never too old to learn more. It's all about the right attitude and the desire to improve. Be open to new ideas and explore new things. A great way for self-improvement is to read more books. Information feed intelligence and the best thing about knowledge is no one can take away from you. Knowledge & skills open the door to new opportunities, achievements, success and wealth. "The More You Learn, The More You Earn!"
3. Compliment Yourself.(Self-Worth)
Start each day with positive self-talk. Don't wait for someone to praise your hair, your outfit, your style...You can't please the world and you don't need validations from anyone. Celebrate small victory, achievements and reward yourself! This will boost your self-confidence and help you stay focused on your goals.
4. Associate With Successful People. (Listen To The Right Advice)
We meet different people in life, some people will inspire you and some will drain you. Be selective and choose your circle wisely. Unfortunately, not everyone offer sensible advice and conducive solutions.
So be careful with random advice from temporary people. Time is precious, a wrong decision will delay the transition of success and the risk of wasted effort with no promising outcomes. Bad advice are destructive that can cause self-doubts, confusions and pessimism.
5. Don't Give Up (Keep Trying)
Failure is part of life. All successful people experience some hiccups at some point. Don't feel discouraged if you haven't reach your goals yet. Take a break if you are tired, but don't quit! Remember, you can always Restart, Rebuild and Re-adjust. Be patient but consistent, success isn't an overnight process and great things take time. Nothing is over if you don't give up!
"Even if you are not ready for the day, it cannot always be night..."
As we countdown to the new year...Set new goals, make a resolution to cultivate a strong and positive mentality. Embrace your strength and empower self-motivation to achieve your dreams & aspirations!
Christmas is just around the corner and I love Christmas time! It's a joyful season of giving and sharing! So here's wishing everyone a magical, blissful holiday season and a happy, prosperous 2022! Have fun and stay safe! ๐
I hope you learn something useful today and if you do, pass it on...๐ฅฐ๐