I love children.
I've always dreamed of having a big family with lots of kids around the house. I love their innocent minds and purest hearts. Their lovely smiles and funny giggle always warms my heart! 😍

Some days, my kids made me really upset and drive me nuts, but as a mother, you'll always see the beauty in them and forgive them anyway. No mothers I know would ever hold grudges against their own children.
Hence, parenting is a challenging journey. Personally, I feel that every child is unique in their own ways so I wouldn't want to compare them with anyone and I don't follow a fixed formula in parenting because a lot of answers are never found in books. To me, it's all about trial & error and being flexible for your child's needs, but that's just my opinion.
There are days when I am so busy with the kids and my online biz that I hardly have much time to blog. Most days, I only get a few hours of sleep. (But that's fine, I don't sleep a lot anyway.lol)
It gets worse when you are unwell and didn't have time to rest when you don't have any source of help near you.. No nanny, helper, in-laws, grandparents or someone you trust to help you out... Can you imagine how crazy and stressful it is, with zero help?... Homemakers are not made of steel, we need rest too, like everyone else!
All I could do was give my friends hugs for comfort and support. Lend them my ears to listen, whenever they want to vent their frustrations and unhappiness.
Besides the struggle...Do you realize that Mothers are always the ones who get judged and blamed? It is no wonder they are so stressed out and emotionally drained when they get judged almost everything...ALL THE TIME!
Say for example, when the kids misbehaved, show bad manners and attitude or get into some troubles, everyone starts pointing fingers at the mothers but rarely at fathers. Hmmm, but isn't parenting suppose to be a teamwork?... Well, I don't think it's right to blame only the Mums for bad parenting. Ah yes! I know Dads are the sole breadwinners, they work very hard every day to provide for the family, but a Daddy's role is equally important in parenting.
Actually, I have seen some good Daddies around lately. I think the new-age Dads are very cool! I must say I'm really impressed by how dedicated and devoted some fathers are.
I once heard a Daddy singing "Baby Shark" to his toddler on a long bus ride, even when he sang out of tune, lol..I still think that was really sweet! Men are often viewed as a muscular and manly figure, so when a Dad sings a kid song or nursery rhymes to his child in public...Wow! You got my attention, Mister! Thumbs up, Daddy! 👍
I feel that in order to build a happy family, both Mummies and Daddies have to be involved in parenting because they are the ones who shape the kid's personalities and the person they grow up to be.
Keep in mind that your spouse is your life partner, not a slave or a machine, it's not humanly possible for anyone to take all the roles in parenting alone. Do not take anyone or anything for granted. Your partner needs support, your attention, understanding and appreciation too.

Parenting is never easy because we all have emotions and bad days too, that is why you need support from your partner when you feel emotional or need some time-out! In my opinion, there is no perfect parenting nor a perfect family, only responsible parents who work hand in hand together.

Let me know what's your thoughts on Parenting / Parenthood?
Happy Parenting, Mummies & Daddies! 😘
Blogger Mommywarrior77
Hi there! I really liked your post about love building a happy home. It's so true that when you and your partner love each other, your whole family is happier. Remember to always talk to each other and be understanding. And don't forget, love is in the little things too, like saying "I love you" and being there for each other. Keep up the good work!