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17 March 2017

The Philosophy Of Life...๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Ž

Had a long chat with my mentor the other day and here are some great advise about life for those who read my blogs.:)

1) Don't live with guilt and regrets. What is gone, will never return. Not everything comes with a second chance.

2) Say what you feel, follow your heart and always do the RIGHT things. A Conscience mind has nothing to fear. 

3) To seek Peace, stay away from Toxic people. Negativeness is contagious. Understand that some people will never change or admit their mistakes..they shall deal with their own consequences eventually. 

4) Do Good Reap Good. Do Evil Reap Evil. A beautiful heart is a beautiful soul. Life will not get better when you steal, cheat or rob. When it's not yours, it never will be.The possession is only temporary.

5) What the parents do, will effect the children. What the children do, will effect the parents.

6) Always be thankful for what you have in life. More doesn't always means good. Less is More.

7) Be nice & kind to your family. Love and respect your spouse. Children are gifts and blessings from above. They deserve a chance to live and to be loved. Abortion/Killing is still wrong. Seek forgiveness for the wrongdoings.

8) Never take anything/anyone for granted. Nothing truly lasts forever. Treat others the same way you want to be treated. Always stay positive and good vibes shall follows.

Life can be simple and beautiful. Happinese is rich and pure. Greed, Insecurity, Jealousy and Obsession will clutters your mind, body and soul. Focus on the Right track, be your own Compass and you'll always find the right direction to the destinations! ;)

Namaste! :)

Blogger Mommywarrior77

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