People often asked, "Babe, why did you gave up your career to be a Stay-At-Home-Mom?", "Don't you feel bored staying at home all day?"
I smiled and replied politely..."Not really, I have a lifetime to work, but my kids are only young once, I want to be there to witness all their milestones, to spend quality time together and giving them a beautiful childhood..."
Hmmm..why would I be bored? I keep myself busy every day and I love bonding with my 2 sweethearts. I can't wait to teach them how to play the guitar/drums, bake the cookies, play basketball together, go camping and I look forward to more activities as they grow...
Since the day they were born, it is my duty and responsibility as their Mother to take care of them, no excuse! Frankly, 24 hours isn't enough for me, the house chores never seem to end...Every time I cleaned up the room, it's messy again the next hour...Wow! I don't even have time to enjoy a decent meal or take a nice long bath...Indeed, though my kids made me very busy, exhausted and 'crazy' some days, but they also brought a lot of joy and sunshine into my life.
While I do agree that money is very important but my children/family always comes first! To me..FAMILY is the most important thing in the world!
Over the years, I have seen many unhappy rich people and happy average people who appreciate every little thing in life even though they don't enjoy all the luxuries like the rich. The latter seems happier.
In my opinion, if you have a happy family/home. You ARE Rich! because no amount of money in the world can ever buy a happy family nor a beautiful childhood etc..We should always learn to be thankful and count our blessings.
As a wife and a mother, my priorities are my children/family, NOT my career at this point. Moreover, I never really miss working life, I'm glad I don't have to rush to catch the train and dealing with office politics now. I'm pretty happy and contented to be a Stay/Work-At-Home Mom and a Lifestyle Mommy Blogger too.😘

Unfortunately, the society is negative and judgmental on SAHMs but it doesn't really matter! We don't need to follow the majority and we don't have to listen to those stereotyped remarks anyways. Every family is different.
I understand that words can be very hurtful sometimes, people are very mean and often mock at these poor mothers, I can totally relate to that, being a S/WAHM myself.
But think again..if there is no SAHM to take this role, be prepared to spend more money on daycare/childcare services and be mindful that these centres don't operate 24/7.
It's really sad that the hard work people see, is based on the wages that you bring home every month. Hence, the unconditional love and time that we (SAHMs) have given to the family were forgotten and taken for granted, yet again...
Nonetheless, I'm still thankful that I have a choice and I choose to be a SAHM, I'm proud of my role and decision. No regrets at all.
My children will never remember all the cool toys when they are older but they will always remember their sweet memories of their childhood with their mother always by their side to love, nurture, guide and protect them.
With all due respect, I truly feel that SAHMs deserve more appreciations, supports and encouragements from the society for all the sacrifices they made for the kids/family...Afterall, not everyone can accept this role and be a happy SAHM altogether. It is truly not easy to be a SAHM, only those who are one would understand the struggles and challenges we deal each day.
I am writing this to thank my dear mother for all the love and support she has given me since the day I was born and also a shout-out to all the amazing SAHMs out there (*including myself) who have done so much but too little recognition.
I truly feel your delicate love and exhaustion, Mommies! Please remind yourself that you are doing a wonderful job. Let's keep up the good work, Supermoms! From the bottom of my heart, I Salute You! 😎👍
Blogger Mommywarrior77