Well, I'm not a dating expert here, but I'm not new to dating so I'll share my personal experience, some advice and tips with the readers.
Mobile phones are so important in our daily life and I know most people are attached to their phones, all the time!...checking their social media, emails, texting and playing online games etc..but if you are constantly checking and tapping your phone every few mins, then you are not giving full attention to your date and that is not going to leave any good impression for sure!
If you are searching for Mr/Ms Right, but hasn't had much progress so far and wonder what went wrong, here are some dating advise/tips for reference.
We all know that First Impression is very important, so it is necessary to know the DOs & DON'Ts and some safety tips on the first date.
1) Be Punctual
I know unforeseen events are unavoidable and if you are late, do make a call to explain and apologize sincerely. I don't like being late and nobody enjoys waiting. I'm always slightly earlier or on time. People who are punctual always give me the best impression because it tells me how well they manage the time and how much they value the date/appointment.
2) Dress Appropriately
You don't have to dress like a Superstar or wear a tuxedo on your first date but basic grooming is still necessary. Wear something smart, neat and comfortable that fit the occasion. Remember, it is a date, NOT an interview! But avoid wearing singlets, sweatpants, shorts and slippers unless you are meeting at the beach, bbq, etc...
3) Maintain Gentle Eye Contact and Smile
The eyes are the window to the soul and I believe eyes don't lie! I know some people are very shy and they avoid looking into the eyes, but if your eyes are wandering elsewhere during a conversation, your date may feel that you are bored and uninterested. However, if you keep staring into the eyes, that could make some people feel uneasy too. So just be natural, smile and look at the face when they speak.
4) Put Down The Phone

5) Relax and Take It Easy
Some people get really nervous on a first date. They start to tense up, fidget and become clumsy at times. I once went on a dinner date...The poor guy was so nervous that he knocked over the glass a few times and had to rush to the washroom to clean up. Omg, it was hilarious! So just chill and breathe...
6) Keep The Conversation Fun and Interesting
There may be awkward moments of silence when you can't think of any interesting topics to break the ice and to keep the conversation going. I would suggest talking about hobbies, music, movies and interests for a start and take it from there... Don't be the only one talking, ask questions and let the conversation flow.
Jokes are fine but keep it mild on the first date! Nobody wants to date someone who acts like a clown. Laughing and cracking jokes throughout the dinner aren't very cool! Avoid dirty jokes / dark humor on a first date because it may be inappropriate and offensive for some people, so do be more sensitive.
7) NEVER Talk About Your Ex!!! (A Big No-No!)
Indeed! You probably heard this a thousand times! Talking about your ex on your first date is never encouraged! That is one of the Biggest deal breaker! I do think most people are aware but sometimes.. words, places, songs may trigger past memories and they start talking about their ex unintentionally, without realizing a huge mistake they made!
Be careful not to get too emotional on your first date. No one likes to hear sad, break up stories so it's time to let go and move on...Let history be history! especially when you are dating someone new.
Be careful not to get too emotional on your first date. No one likes to hear sad, break up stories so it's time to let go and move on...Let history be history! especially when you are dating someone new.
If a guy start talking about his ex-girlfriends on our first date. He probably will never hear from me again! lolz! I do understand everyone has a past but if someone keeps talking about their past relationships then they are probably not ready to start a new relationship, in my opinion.
8) Be Polite
Maybe the person isn't what you are looking for or maybe there isn't any chemistry...but you can still be friends! There is no need to get upset or feel depressed."There are plenty of fish in the sea!" It's no big deal if the date didn't work out.
9) Don't Move Too Fast
Ok dudes! I know she is cute, sweet and attractive but don't get too physical/intimate on the first date! Take it slow and watch the body language. If your date is not ready, don't keep pushing and trying so hard, because that will only push her away in the end! Surely you don't want to scare her, so be respectful and a real gentleman! 😎
10) Arrange The Next Date
If the date went well and you would like to meet up again... Be spontaneous and make the first move! Don't wait too long to ask her out again. You can plan a movie date, an outing, picnic, sports, etc..
11) Meet At Public Places
NEVER meet in secluded places, hotel rooms or an apartment. Always let a trusted friend know you are meeting someone on a date, so they have some information and know your whereabouts.
12) Stay Away From Alcohol
It doesn't matter how well you hold the liquor. Alcohol can cause serious danger! (If you get drunk) I'm sure you have heard scary stories and nasty news of victims on their first date. Unfortunately, scammers and con-artists are everywhere! Always stay alert and trust your gut. If you don't feel right, leave immediately!
If you must use the washroom..Never drink the same glass when you are back! (just to be safe!) It is OK not to finish everything, you can always ask for a new glass if you must drink.
While dating can be fun and it's exciting to meet new people but it's also important to protect yourself always...I hope these information helps.
Have fun and be safe! 😘
Have fun and be safe! 😘
Do you have any dating stories, advice / tips to share?...Comment below.
Blogger Mommywarrior77