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Showing posts with label self-love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self-love. Show all posts

31 December 2019

Bye Bye 2019, Hello 2020! πŸŽ‰

Wow! I can't believe 2019 will be over soon and we are stepping into the next decade...So, how has your year been? 

Every December is a time I do some self-reflection and write down my new year's resolution.

Well, 2019 has been a very busy and challenging year for me, however, there are many business opportunities, rewards for the hard work and incidents that help broaden my perspectives about life and I learn to be more appreciative of the people around me.

Despite the busy schedule this year, one of my biggest accomplishments for 2019 is forming a Ukulele Jamming/Interest Group that I named it, 'UkerManics'. I feel very honored to teach Ukulele at the RC and bringing music to our neighborhood.

As a founder and the leader of the group, I am very excited and look forward to the upcoming New Year's Day performance with my fellow members. I can't wait to perform on stage again and I hope the group would expand in the near future.

Today, I wrote down some things that I hope to achieve in 2020. Personally, I believe in planning ahead and setting goals every year because that helps me to stay focused and motivate myself to be better, 

so here's the ultimate list...😊 

Mandy New Year's Resolution for 2020 :

 1. Spend more time with my family & people I love
 2. Learn a new skill
 3. Do more sports
 4. More vacations
 5. Have more patience
 6. Less nagging. (LOL!πŸ˜…)
 7. Sleep early / Get more beauty sleep
 8. Write new songs
 9. Do what I love
10. Live a happier & healthier life

Looking back at 2019, I realized that every mistake and setback in life is an experience and a lesson learned. Indeed, "Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You LEARN!

Whatever unhappiness that happened this year, let's learn to LET GO and move on. Let bygones be bygones... Life still goes on everyday being happy or sad, so don't carry unnecessary 'baggage' into the new year.

I hereby take this opportunity for a shout-out to thank my dear friends/buddies for being there for me...Thank you all for listening to my silly vents and woes! (You know who you are) I know you guys will be reading my blog anyway...

I hope 2020 will be a better year for all. Here's wishing everyone a wonderful new year filled with new hope, new joy, and new beginnings.

The kids are starting school in a few day's time so Mommy's gonna' be busy again...Till then, take care, all the best and cheers to a Happy 2020!

What's your new year's resolution? 
Share with me and comment below. πŸ˜‰

Blogger Mommywarrior77

19 July 2019

We Are Beautiful! 🌟

Someone asked, "What Is Your Definition Of Beauty?" Ah, good question! 

In my early teens, I used to think that beauty means being slim, tall, having a nice body, good complexion, beautiful hair, good looks, etc... like the supermodels you find on fashion magazines & posters. Without a doubt, these women are gorgeous, stylish and I've always admired those fashion models doing the runway, dressed in cool designer outfits...Wow! they rock the stage, how glamorous! 

But as I mature into my adulthood, interacting with different people in life have broadened my perspective about beauty today... 

We all heard stories about young girls starving themselves, bulimia, crash dieting, skipping meals, doing many crazy stuff..just to be as slim like the models, because the society still view a slim body as beautiful and unfortunately... some people died while trying to lose weight! While it is not wrong to achieve your goals to be beautiful and to look your best (who doesn't?) but what is beauty if you lost your health/life?

I have to confess that I am one of those girls who tried crash dieting! (once) Yeah! I was a chubby teen in school, struggling with a weight problem and I'm sick of all the nasty name callings and in order to lose weight fast, I tried a diet plan and I ate ONLY fruits for 3 days and nothing else! Did it work? Naah..forget it! I felt so weak, lethargic and got sick in the end. It was a horrible experience for me so I figured that maybe such diet just doesn't work for people like me who love food,lol but I have friends who achieved good results with some diet programs but personally, I never believe in diets, (no thanks!) but that's just me! πŸ˜‰

Though I may not be a Size 2 or have that perfect figure but I have lost some weight over the years. I am more active now and I feel energetic! I got many compliments from friends and even strangers too, and it definitely made me feel more confident about myself and I am happy the way I am today! Well, I think as long as you take some efforts to groom yourself, you can still look hot, cool and feel great even when you don't have the perfect body! 

It makes me really sad whenever I hear stories about girls starving themselves, who think they are fat & ugly because their boyfriends/partners think they need to lose weight. No offense and no hard feelings ok, but honestly, I would dump those guys! 😝

Look! If the dude only cares about your looks and your body, he's not a keeper! C'mon, who needs someone to keep reminding that you are imperfect and making you feel ugly! 

While being confident and happy about yourself, it doesn't mean you should eat whatever you like and gaining more weight? No! That's not the point! Excessive eating and obesity are definitely NOT encouraged for good health reasons but having some curves doesn't make you ugly! My point is, no one should be shamed for their body size. 

I strongly believe in self-love, self-care, living a healthy lifestyle and most importantly, do not compare yourself with anyone because I think everyone is unique and beautiful in their own ways. It took me a while to understand that true beauty isn't only about your body shapes and your appearance, etc.. Indeed, there are beauty inside and out! 

Perfection is a myth, so learn to love yourself, be who you are and appreciate the beauty you possess! We should focus on living healthy and keeping fit instead of trying to fit into a pair of skinny jeans or that mini-skirt but make you feel miserable, unhappy and hungry all day! Beauty isn't about how much you weigh or what you wear! Live for yourself and not what others want you to be! 

I agree that looks are important for most people, having good looks does score points in the society. However, sometimes, we may set our expectations too high and keep focusing on our flaws instead of the strength and the beauty that we have. 

Check out the videos below and I think all women/everyone should watch this... 

Beauty to me is being comfortable and confident for who you are! Happy girls are the prettiest and kind people are the most beautiful! For me, "There are no real ugly people in the world, only ugly personalities" ~ Mandy Law

There is beauty in everyone, don't let society define you that you forgot about your own beauty and style! 

Keep in mind that you are beautiful, you are unique, you are enough! 😎

Share this post to all the beautiful humans! πŸ’–

Blogger Mommywarrior77

10 March 2019

Dare To Dream! (The Spirit Of Success) πŸ†

Everyone has dreams and goals in life.

I love motivational speech. When I hear success and life-changing stories of people from all walks of life. It broadens my perspectives and inspired me to achieve my goals. Words create deep impact....and many times, one good advice could change your life.

So the question is, how do we achieve the goals? I have never seen or heard of anyone who only talks and is successful without any planning and hard work, so the point is to put your dreams/goals into actions with the right strategies.

I read many stories about successful people and I realized that these people have similar traits ;

-They have positive visions.
-They are open to new ideas.
-They are strong-willed.
-They think out of the box.
-They have great self-motivation skills.

Indeed, self-motivation is really important in our daily life. It is a skill to help you push yourself to move forward and keep on trying even after you failed many times.

Do you still remember when you first learn how to ride the bicycle? At first, you wobbled, trying to find the balance and was so afraid to fall...but as you keep trying (after a few falls) and learning to balance yourself, the bike moves steadily in your speed when you take full control. That is the same theory for success, to motivate yourself and achieving your goals eventually.

I will share my personal advice on how I motivate and encourage myself to achieve my dreams/goals.πŸ˜‰

1) Don't be afraid to fail
I know failure sucks!...everyone experience rejection at some point in life and failure is part of life journey but each time you failed, you learn something new. No one is a true failure until they choose to quit! Even one of the most successful entrepreneur, Jack Ma (Alibaba Group) got rejected 30times. So don't feel discouraged, keep trying and never give up!

 2) Have a concrete plan
Know your strength and understand what you are good at, it doesn't matter if it is a short or long-term plan. A plan is the first baby step in reaching your goals. Like my teacher used to say..."If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!" That is true! Without a plan or strategy to work on your goals, it's like a ship cruising in the ocean without a destination.

 3) Read
Knowledge is power! Well, I have to admit I'm not a huge fan of books, but I love reading motivational & inspirational books because it makes me feel positive about life, it boost up my self-confidence and morales as well. The more knowledge and positivity you feed your brain, the more motivated you are! 

 4) Learn from successful people
You don't have to follow exactly what they did or start making crazy investments but understand the KEY ingredients that generate good results and success.

5) Don't waste time
Take the first step. You may have great ideas/plans for years but if you don't make the first step to work for your goals, these dreams will never turn to reality. You can sit all day, playing your computer games and wish for something great to happen or you can take the first step and make things happen! Don't wait for tomorrow, start now! It is your life, your future and the choice is yours.

6) Open to new ideas and explore new opportunities
I was in Sales & Marketing and Customer Service industry for many years before I got married. I never thought I would be a blogger one day, but it's a great honor and I was over the moon when I got Google Adsense approval within a week after one application. It is every blogger's dream to get Google Adsense approval to serve the ads on their blogs/websites. There you go! Anything is possible!

 7) Have a positive attitude
Without a good and positive attitude, no one can truly be successful in the long run, in any industry, etc..It's ok to feel emotional in different situations but once you sort out your emotions...Learn to pick yourself up fast and keep moving forward. Train your mind to be positive, even if you failed, it's not the end of the world! You can always try again.

 8) Learn new skills
Learning is a great way to exercise your brain and keep the brain cells active, it is very rewarding when you pick up new skills and gaining new knowledge. In my opinion, no one is too old to learn anything, if you want to do it!

 9) Don't complain too much
It's perfectly fine to grumble and vent out your frustrations sometimes, but too much complains make you feel bitter, demoralized and it's a waste of time! If you are really unhappy about something, change it or improve it! Feeling sorry for yourself will never help you achieve anything. 

10) Patience
This is one of the biggest challenges for most people but you really need to give yourself time to see some good results. Don't expect a fat paycheck or instant revenue immediately, it doesn't work that way! Every success takes time whatever your goals are. Rome wasn't built in a day and a baby needs 9months to be ready to see the world.  

The journey of life is a learning experience. We are constantly learning and exploring new things every day since the day we were born...Learning to crawl, walk, talk and mature gradually...

I don't believe in taking short-cuts, I believe that hard work, perseverance and determination are the spirits of success. No one can guarantee your success even when you follow all the great advice from famous and successful people, but sensible advice and suggestions are good strategies to motivate you to achieve the goals. 

I am not an expert or a guru in giving advice. I have failed many times and I've learned many things the hard way but that made me a stronger and wiser person I am today. 

I strongly believe..where there is a will, there is a way! I don't think I am successful yet but I'm striving to improve myself every day and I'm proud of myself for the achievements that I worked for, over the years.

Self-motivation is not always easy, we are humans and sometimes we breakdown, we feel depressed and lost...but despite all these challenges and setbacks, we have to master the skill of self-motivation and it goes a long way because in the end, you are the one who has to motivate yourself in life and no one else can do it for you.

Make plans for the future. Set goals, dream big and stay focused. Always believe in yourself and work hard to achieve success! Who knows one day you could be standing on the stage, giving a powerful speech to motivate others and share your success stories.

Last but not least...always remind yourself these golden words! 
" I Can, I Must, I Will "

Sharing is caring! Feel free to share this blog and spread words of motivation to inspire others! πŸ‘ 

Blogger Mommywarrior77

21 August 2018

Tips On Managing Stress & Negative EmotionsπŸ’‘πŸ†˜

Let's talk about STRESS⚠️ 

Everyone experiences stress in daily life. Stress on work projects, family matters, parenting, relationships, financial, school exams, and the list goes on...

I have the opportunity to interact with people from different walks of life via phones, emails and social media lately and I realized that many are battling with stress/depression, so I thought I should blog on this subject and share my personal tips on how I deal with stress and my negative emotions. 
Now, take a moment to think...

Why do you feel stressed, unhappy, angry or depressed? What exactly is bothering you? Was it someone that pisses you? nasty remarks? some past incidents or bad experiences that upset you? Have a thought about that one! 

It is important to find out the ROOT of the problem that causes all these negative feelings. Without knowing what triggers stress, it's hard to deal with negative emotions. 

Well, you could find a psychiatrist or a therapist for help but they might not solve your problems because they won't be able to eliminate all your stress and negative feelings so ultimately, it is YOU who must help yourself to manage your emotions in a long run, because no one knows you better than yourself! πŸ˜‰

Don't get me wrong, people! I have a lot of respect for doctors/physicians and their professions, they are very important in our society. I truly admire their medical knowledge and the sacred oath to save lives... 

Unfortunately, many people are struggling with prolonged stress and depression but they are unable to get much help and can't afford expensive therapy sessions.
So before you rush to get yourself diagnosed with Depression, Anxiety, etc.. you can try some tips and adjust your lifestyle with good habits & routines. If you feel that things are still not improving and you are getting more emotional...PLEASE seek professional help and see a doctor soon.

Here are my 12 Tips To Manage Stress -(*Contents for reference only, no medical information intended)

Tip #1: Organize Your Time. Don't rely on your memory, use a diary or a notepad. Set reminders alarms on your phone for daily important tasks and upcoming appointments. 

Tip #2: Don't Skip Breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day. Don't start the day with an empty stomach because you may feel restless and unfocused at work/school. Hence, making mistakes that cause stress again. Drink enough water every day, I like Green Tea, Flower Tea and fruit juice, they are so good and refreshing.πŸ‘

Tip #3: Don't stay at home all day. Go out! Inhale the scent of nature, get some fresh air and Sunshine! 🌞 You can take a walk at the beach/park /garden/ or just taking a bus ride and do some light shopping at the mall. Keep yourself occupied with some things to do so you don't have too much free time to overthink. 

Tip #4: Turn on the radio and listen to some music! Good music can reduce stress and brightens up your day. Watch a comedy and have a good laugh! Laughter is often the best healer and it doesn't cost a cent! 😍

Tip #5: Do some Sports. You don't have to be a professional athlete. Sweat it out! A good workout can help reduce stress. I play Basketball and I enjoy shooting the ball into the basket and it reminds me that as long as you keep moving and stay focused, you'll reach your goals! It's a pretty cool sport.. not only it makes you slimmer, but it also makes you fitter too! 😘

Tip #6: Meditate for 10-15 mins every day if you can. Find a quiet place, visualize the flowing water or the sea waves and control your breathing. You can use diffusers if you are into Aromatherapy like me. My favorite is, Ylang-Ylang, Tea Tree and Chamomile.

Tip #7: Have some dark chocolates or light Ice-creams. I have sweet tooth and I do feel happier after having some yummy desserts, but do not eat them every day,  especially if you are on a diet.Lol 😁

Tip #8: Stay away from toxic people! You don't need negative vibes from them to add more stress. Hang around with happy, positive people who are fun, friendly, helpful and supportive. You'll feel more lively and happier too.

Tip #9: Take a long beauty bath and pamper yourself! Go for body massage if you can spend a bit or ask your partner to give you a massage, Lol.. that way, you can have some romantic couple time without spending too much money. (Bonus!)πŸ‘

Tip #10: Get Enough Sleep. Be nice to your body. Good sleep is important for both the young and old, it helps to reduce stress but make sure your bedroom is well-ventilated and clean. I don't think anyone can really have a good sleep in a stuffy and cluttered room.

Tip #11: Take Pride in your Appearance. You don't have to dress like a Fashion chic or a Supermodel but basic grooming is still necessary, because when you dress well and look good, you feel more confident and great about yourself too, well..who doesn't like compliments, right? 😊That's a huge boost to reduce stress.

Tip #12: Set Realistic Goals. You are not a robot or Superman. There is no need to push yourself so hard to achieve all your goals in the shortest time. We are not in a race, so move at your own pace that you feel comfortable. There is no need to follow the majority crowd. It is OK to be different! Don't create unnecessary competitions for yourself. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses.

These are some tips on how I deal with my daily emotions. Stress is NOT a disease, it doesn't always need long term medication or therapy in my opinion. 

However, if stress is not well-controlled, it can lead to more serious mental health problems like depression, panic attacks, anxiety, low self-esteem, self-harm and even suicides. 

Be mindful that there will be many different challenges in life and stress is unavoidable, but we can learn to take charge and control our emotions and mental health. Feed y
our mind with happy thoughts and positive vibes because only YOU have the ability to control your emotions. Remember, it's just a bad day...NOT a bad life! 😎😘

Blogger Mommywarrior77