I often wonder..why do people bully? was it for fun? trying to be cool? or simply just being a jerk! 😠

I recently witnessed a bully case in school that triggered me to blog this topic. Indeed, bullying is a huge social problem globally and it is a major concern for any parents.
Just a brief flashback...I was a bullied teen during high school. Being chubby and nerdy, the bullies in my class would picked on me all the time... Playing pranks on me, making fun of me with nasty name-callings. Whatever!..School wasn't a fun place for me, I hated school! I dragged myself to school everyday, I was an average grade student with good conduct but deep inside...I was counting down to graduation day. I'm so thankful that I survived those nightmares when I'm finally done with school, I was 'freed' at last and I could breathe freely again...
Now I am a mother of 2 young kids..I wouldn't want my kids to suffer the horrible experiences I had in school..No one deserve to be bullied! I wished someone taught me some self-defense so I could protect myself when the bullies attacked me. So...I encourage my son to learn Taekwondo, he is almost 7yo and has earned a Green belt.👍😊
Do remember.. Silence isn't always golden. When you need to step up, speak up and defend yourself..Do It! Be brave enough to tell the bullies to Stop and Back off! Hiding your fear, your sadness and crying won't ever solve any problem! In fact, that would feed the bullies' ego and encouraged them to continue the bullying. When I read news about children / teenagers who committed suicide, it breaks my heart when young lives are lost in the result of prolonged abuses & bullying.😟
When I started working and learning about life as I grow..I became tougher, smarter, and I am grateful for my mentors who guided me along the way. I learn how to protect myself during danger, crisis and tacky situations, etc.. Through many life experiences and setbacks over the years, from zero to hero.. I am a stronger and wiser person today! A lady with confidence, strength and positive vibes.😊 Today, I am NO longer the nerd I was back in school. I remember no one ever noticed me during school days, I was invisible! Hmmm.. But now, I got attention from the public, strangers and I made heads turned..Hahaa! Many of my classmates couldn't recognise me when we met during our school gathering recently...There you go! The story of "The Ugly Duckling" does exist in real life and I am one good living example.😘
Here's a cool song by one of my favorite Singer, G.E.M. Love this song so much and the MV too..I can relate to the song and it's perfect for my blog! Check it out.. It's pretty awesome! Enjoy.. 😍😎
Click here ➡️Song lyrics in English #SayNoToBullying
Studies have shown that bullies are loners, insecure, self-centered and attention seekers who are unhappy about life and themselves..Many came from violence, broken families and grew up from bad childhoods.
Whatever the reasons may be.. Any form of bullying is still Wrong! It Is Never Cool To Bully! I've always tell my children..it is ok to be angry at times, but it is NOT ok to bully or hurt someone! There is no sensible or justified reasons to bully anyone! Young or old. Period!
As parents, it is our duty and responsibility to educate our children proper manners, moral values, self-discipline and respect. We should be role models and practise good examples for the kids to learn from. No parents would ever want to see their kids get hurt or being bullied anywhere, so we must teach our children some basic self-defense so they learn to protect themselves when there is danger because anyone could be a target for the bullies!
A physical scar may faded over time but an emotional scar will never be healed completely. Thus, it is hard to fix something that is badly damaged.
Prevention is always better than cure!
Let's remind ourselves and teach our children to practice kindness, compassion and treat everyone with respect always. Share and Pass it on... #SayNoToBullying
Blogger Mommywarrior77