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12 April 2020

Ways To Stay Positive (during Covid19 outbreak)⚠️

Staying positive is not always easy, especially when we are dealing with a nasty outbreak, home-based learning and the restrictions of social movements during a 'circuit breaker'. There are many uncertainty ahead and these drastic changes can be very stressful and overwhelming for many.

You may also wonder, how long will this Covid-19 outbreak last?

The truth one really know the answer, as there are very limited information and unknown facts about the Covid-19 virus to date.

The experts called this a psychological war, it has indeed disrupted our lives physically and mentally. While it is not easy to conquer the fear and anxiety but there are some ways we can help ourselves to stay positive and manage our mental health during this global health crisis.

Adjust To New Routines
Accept new challenges and let go of the things that you can't control. Perhaps you may not like working from home, but remind yourself that these new routines are temporary and the regular activities will resume when the situation is much stabilized.

Stay Connected
You don't have to shut yourself from the world while isolating or staying at home, you can still connect with your family and friends frequently. Give support, show care & concern to one another and stay united! Video chat is a great way to keep in touch. (I use IG, FB, WhatsApp, Zoom, Skype & WeChat, so now you know where to find me!๐Ÿ˜„)

Pick Up New Hobbies
Staying at home is a good time to start learning new skills. Be productive. You can learn a new language, join a cooking class or music lessons, there are many free online courses that you could sign up to keep yourself occupied and do something that you are passionate about.

Talk It Out
Everyone react to situations differently, don't beat yourself up! It is perfectly normal to feel a sense of loss, frustration and confusion during a crisis, these emotions are real and valid, but remember that you are NOT alone and don't be afraid to reach out. You can always talk to a social worker/counsellor. There is help available if you need a listening ear or emotional support this period.

National CARE Hotline : 6202 6868 (24-hour)

Don't Overload Too Much Information
Get off the social media for a while, the daily news updates can be very distressing and emotional. Avoid reading too much information all day, it will only create more stress and anxiety, if you must watch the news, do it at a specific time or at the end of the day.

Positive Thoughts
Count your blessings. Focus on things that makes you happy, like playing music, cooking a nice meal, bonding with the kids, helping others and doing things that you enjoy. Keep your spirits up and have a positive attitude! Don't waste your time thinking about the past or the unknown. Worrying doesn't solve any problems so cheer up! 

Find New Meaning Of Life
Take time to reorganize your goals, take a break to recharge, to reflect and make new plans for the future. Not all changes are bad, find new opportunities and adopt new lifestyles.

It may take awhile to settle down with the new routines but these changes and precautionary measures are necessary to stop the spread in the community and to control the outbreak situation.

Be mindful that everyone play an important role to fight this battle. Let's not forget our front-line healthcare heroes, the doctors and nurses/staff for their hard work and courage for caring the patients and keeping us safe.

We can all do our part by practice good hygiene, social distancing, wear a mask when we are out and stay at home as much as possible.

It will be a tough and a long battle but we can overcome this together! Every crisis brings new perspective of life and enlightenment. We will always learn something new and important in every situation we shall overcome and after the rain... The Sun Will Shine Again! ๐ŸŒž

Spread a little sunshine, kindness and love to those around you. Stay home, stay safe and stay positive! ๐Ÿ˜‰

#SGUnited #SGCares #StayHome #FightCovid19 

22 March 2020

Fun Things To Do At Home ๐Ÿ’ก

An outbreak sucks! ๐Ÿ˜ท

Since early this year, the world is dealing with a major health crisis and I know it's been a very stressful time for everyone.

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused a lot of stress, fear, anxiety everywhere, it also caused many destruction and inconvenience in our daily lives. 

Some countries are lockdown, schools are closed, we see panic buying and social distancing etc...With so much tensions around, people are staying indoors now, outings and travel plans are not encouraged. Mass/group activities and social events are either cancelled or suspended and the next thing you find yourself 'grounded' at home and nowhere to go!

I'm outdoorsy, so it's kinda miserable to be stucked at home all weekends.(I miss playing Basketball and Jamming with my UkerManics) but looking at the current situation, it make sense to stay at home and avoid crowded places as a precaution.

Though the Covid-19 has put humanity to a big challenge, but looking on the bright side, it may be a great opportunity to improve relationships and strengthen family bonds.

Here's a list of fun things for you and your family to beat boredom.

Fun Things To Do At Home :

Play Board Games
Ok Mummies and Daddies, it's time to put away your phones/laptops and get on the floor to play some games with the kids. I love board games, it's fun, entertaining and it reminds me of my childhood, "Who's turn to roll the dice, now?"

Declutter The House
With the nasty virus out there, it's good to keep the house clean and tidy everyday! I have been doing a lot of spring cleaning this week. You can clean up the refrigerator, kitchen cabinets, reorganize books/toys shelves, changing the bedsheets/curtains, cleaning out the closets and donate some unwanted stuff to the charity or the garang guni.

Baking /Cooking Time
Get the little helpers to bake some cookies, muffins, making sushi rolls, homemade pizza or simply trying out new recipes.

Art & Craft
You can do simple DIY projects with the kids. It's so cool to make your own jewelry & keychains as gifts.

Read Books or Magazines
Reading is a great pastime but I prefer magazines

Take A Bubble Bath or A Power Nap
It's OK to relax & recharge...and a glass of wine shouldn't harm. Cheers!

Netflix and Chill
Let's not forget the beloved spouse. Couple time is very important in every relationship. Dim the lights please! ๐Ÿ˜„

Write A Song or A Poem
Dedicate your work to a friend or to someone special. 

Play An Instrument
Playing the Ukulele everyday lighten up my mood. You can practise your piano, guitar or drums, etc.. just enjoy and have fun!

Call Your Bffs
Instead of texting and chatting on the phone. Try FaceTime or video chats but do avoid gossips and spreading rumours. (Positive vibes ok?) 

Family Karaoke Time
Singing out loud can reduce stress. Get the kids to sing their favorite Disney songs and parents can sing along too.

Movie Nights
Watch your favorite movies together as a family. Comedies, horrors, animation, korean drama whatever...but don't forget the chips and popcorn!!! 

Home Workout
If you can't hit the gym for now. Try indoor exercise, like skipping, hula hoop or sit ups, can still have a good sweat, even at home.

If you feel like dancing, why not practice your favorite K-pop dance moves? (chumchu ja) Keep grooving!

Home Manicure/Pedicure
Try different colors and designs on your nails or try out a new beauty face mask. Pamper yourself because you deserve it!

Listen To Favorite Music
Music is a great therapy! Put on your headphones and feel the beats...

Indoor Gardening
If you love plants, you can grow some herbs and build a mini home garden.

Online Shopping
I'm an active online shopper! I love online shopping because it save time and it's so convenient! I'm glad I can get almost everything I need, without stepping out of the house. So ladies, go get that dress and the stiletto!

Spend Time With Your Pets
While bonding with family is important but don't forget to cuddle your pets and give them some attentions. Pets are family too.

For those who are serving the LOA (Leave Of Absence)/SHN (Stay-Home-Notice) for 2weeks Home Quarantine/Self-Isolation etc... Please hang in there, do your part and stay at home. Keep your spirits up and try to keep yourself occupied at home, the 2 weeks quarantine order will soon pass... 

It's perfectly normal to panic, feel worried and scared during such crisis but we have to remind ourselves to remain calm, be prepared and stay positive during this difficult time. I believe if everyone stand hand in hand, we can overcome this together and.......
Storms Don't Last Forever!

Let's all be social responsible, practice good hygiene and stay united always...Peace! ๐Ÿ’— #SGUnited