Well, that's a very interesting question...because we all have different perspectives and definitions of LOVE.
For me, LOVE is a sweet feeling that makes your heart skip a beat! You think about that special someone all the time, you feel excited and maybe a little head over heels every time you see him/her. Love is wanting that person to be happy and safe always. Love is definitely what you do, rather than what you say because actions don't lie and that's my notion about Love.
People say life is like a movie and since Feb is a month of Love and Valentine's Day is just a few days away. Let's talk about romance movies today.
Besides horror, thriller, comedy... I'm a big fan of love/romance movies too! Ok, I gotta' admit I'm a hopeless romantic! LOL! I strongly believe in love...not because I've never been hurt nor I believe in fairytale relationships etc.. but it's because my heart don't lie when I fall in love...
Here's a list of my favorite love/romance movies :
1) Titanic

2) The Best Of Me
Perhaps this movie may remind you of your high school sweetheart.
3) Jerry Maguire

4) Ghost
A Supernatural romance movie... Til death do us part!
5) Moulin Rouge
I love that song "Come What May" Nicole Kidman looked stunning and elegant in her diamond costume.
6) There's Something About Mary
All the guys tried so hard to get Mary and the best man won her love in the end.
7) Love Actually
"To me, you are perfect! " My favorite quote from the movie...Sweet!
8) What Women Want
Ok guys! please go and watch this movie if you want to know what women Really want.😙
9) Shallow Hal
10) The Wedding Singer
This one is sure to make you laugh and feel touched when Robbie (Adam Sandler) sang the song, "I wanna' grow old with you" on the plane. How sweet!...
Let me know what's your favorite romance/love movies? Time to Netflix and Chill... To Love & Be Loved! Happy weekend folks! 😘
Blogger Mommywarrior77