April is World Autism Awareness Month.
The campaign theme this year, "Partnering for Progress" aim to bring public awareness and to explore new partnerships from mainstream institutions such as, public agencies, employers, corporations and schools to create different channels of support for the autism community.
Autism Network Singapore (ANS) is an alliance of five social service agencies which serves over 5000 individuals from birth to adulthood. The Network provides vocational trainings and job coaching to support autistic individuals through different life stages in the community.
The 5 Supporting Agencies/ Partners :
▪️ Autism Resource Centre (ARC)
▪️ Autism Association Singapore
▪️ St Andrews Autism Centre
▪️ Rainbow Centre
I was invited to the Media Briefing and a Farm Tour (BlueAcres) at St.Andrew's Autism Centre (SAAC) earlier...
The Farm Tour at SAAC
The roof top urban farm started as a vocational trainings for sustainable farming practices to engage autistic individuals with essential life skills to support their independence and to develop employment options. The Dignity of Work (DoW) programme introduce supported employments for job opportunities in urban farming, packing, baking, laundry, craftwork,etc.
Media Briefing & Highlights :
(The Network Team & Supporting Partners)
Ms Denise Phua, member of the Parliament and the Chairman of Autism Association Resource Centre (Singapore), Mr Bernard Chew, Chief Executive of SAAC and their supporting partners shared insightful perspectives and highlight the objectives of expanding range of services, support learning and working provisions for autistic adults to feel inclusive in the society.
a great pleasure to meet Ms Denise Phua in person. She's such a warm and
jovious lady! We had a nice conversation and took a private welfie after the event.:)
A Brief Interview with a Strong Mummy...
I interviewed Mummy Yen Peng who has an autistic child. She shared her story, struggles and challenges in the early stage of caregiving and now her 12yo is coping well in school and progressing on track. Yen Peng is a strong and optimistic mum, I admire her strength and positive parenting.
If you need some advice and emotional support on coping with autistic children, you may email to Mummy Tan Yen Peng : yen77peng@gmail.com
I came across many parents with autistic children, dealing with mental stress, meltdowns, social prejudice and exhaustion with minimal to no support. Some families feel lost and depressed when they don't know where to seek help and support.
It saddens me to see anyone struggling alone in silence. I hope with more publicity and social awareness, it will welcome new resources, assistance and support for the autistic/special needs community and their families.
Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a pervasive, neurodevelopmental condition that affects tens of millions.
Based on statistics, it is estimated that one in 150 children in Singapore is on the autism spectrum and the numbers are increasing globally. Through World Autism Awareness Day, it raises world's attention and encourage early diagnosis & intervention.
Everyone Is A Part Of The Society! :)
Personally, I believe in helping people in difficult times and I feel that everyone should be included in our society, regardless of health/medical conditions and no one should ever feel left out in the cold!
We can all do our part to help and support the autism/special needs community. Every contribution makes a difference and no effort is too little! 😉
Hence, a shout-out to all the volunteers at St Andrews and BlueAcres farm for their hard work and contributions. Please continue your amazing work and dedications! 💖
Thanks for the lovely treats and the farm tour!
Some fresh & organic vegetables from BlueAcres farm and the yummy Chocolates & Coffee cookies from Crunchy Teeth. Taste great, I love it! 😋
Public Awareness and Social Support .:
a blogger and an active member in community service. I am honored to
be a part of this meaningful campaign to raise public awareness and to interact with great, honourable people in this event.
I take this opportunity to express my heartfelt support to the Autism community in Singapore and to share the information with my blog readers.
With progressive support, networks and skills development trainings, many autistic individuals can lead a productive life and have promising future.
💡Did You Know?
There are some very well-known, high intelligence and successful people with autism. These elites have fulfilling lives, high status and outstanding careers today...and who knows that special child could be the next Elon Musk! 😎
"The World Needs All Kinds Of Minds." - Temple Grandin
This media invitation is a campaign collaboration to raise public awareness and social support for the Autism community in Singapore - An Exclusive Awareness Blog By Author : Mandy Law (aka Mommywarrior77)