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19 July 2019

We Are Beautiful! 🌟

Someone asked, "What Is Your Definition Of Beauty?" Ah, good question! 

In my early teens, I used to think that beauty means being slim, tall, having a nice body, good complexion, beautiful hair, good looks, etc... like the supermodels you find on fashion magazines & posters. Without a doubt, these women are gorgeous, stylish and I've always admired those fashion models doing the runway, dressed in cool designer outfits...Wow! they rock the stage, how glamorous! 

But as I mature into my adulthood, interacting with different people in life have broadened my perspective about beauty today... 

We all heard stories about young girls starving themselves, bulimia, crash dieting, skipping meals, doing many crazy stuff..just to be as slim like the models, because the society still view a slim body as beautiful and unfortunately... some people died while trying to lose weight! While it is not wrong to achieve your goals to be beautiful and to look your best (who doesn't?) but what is beauty if you lost your health/life?

I have to confess that I am one of those girls who tried crash dieting! (once) Yeah! I was a chubby teen in school, struggling with a weight problem and I'm sick of all the nasty name callings and in order to lose weight fast, I tried a diet plan and I ate ONLY fruits for 3 days and nothing else! Did it work? Naah..forget it! I felt so weak, lethargic and got sick in the end. It was a horrible experience for me so I figured that maybe such diet just doesn't work for people like me who love food,lol but I have friends who achieved good results with some diet programs but personally, I never believe in diets, (no thanks!) but that's just me! 😉

Though I may not be a Size 2 or have that perfect figure but I have lost some weight over the years. I am more active now and I feel energetic! I got many compliments from friends and even strangers too, and it definitely made me feel more confident about myself and I am happy the way I am today! Well, I think as long as you take some efforts to groom yourself, you can still look hot, cool and feel great even when you don't have the perfect body! 

It makes me really sad whenever I hear stories about girls starving themselves, who think they are fat & ugly because their boyfriends/partners think they need to lose weight. No offense and no hard feelings ok, but honestly, I would dump those guys! 😝

Look! If the dude only cares about your looks and your body, he's not a keeper! C'mon, who needs someone to keep reminding that you are imperfect and making you feel ugly! 

While being confident and happy about yourself, it doesn't mean you should eat whatever you like and gaining more weight? No! That's not the point! Excessive eating and obesity are definitely NOT encouraged for good health reasons but having some curves doesn't make you ugly! My point is, no one should be shamed for their body size. 

I strongly believe in self-love, self-care, living a healthy lifestyle and most importantly, do not compare yourself with anyone because I think everyone is unique and beautiful in their own ways. It took me a while to understand that true beauty isn't only about your body shapes and your appearance, etc.. Indeed, there are beauty inside and out! 

Perfection is a myth, so learn to love yourself, be who you are and appreciate the beauty you possess! We should focus on living healthy and keeping fit instead of trying to fit into a pair of skinny jeans or that mini-skirt but make you feel miserable, unhappy and hungry all day! Beauty isn't about how much you weigh or what you wear! Live for yourself and not what others want you to be! 

I agree that looks are important for most people, having good looks does score points in the society. However, sometimes, we may set our expectations too high and keep focusing on our flaws instead of the strength and the beauty that we have. 

Check out the videos below and I think all women/everyone should watch this... 

Beauty to me is being comfortable and confident for who you are! Happy girls are the prettiest and kind people are the most beautiful! For me, "There are no real ugly people in the world, only ugly personalities" ~ Mandy Law

There is beauty in everyone, don't let society define you that you forgot about your own beauty and style! 

Keep in mind that you are beautiful, you are unique, you are enough! 😎

Share this post to all the beautiful humans! 💖

Blogger Mommywarrior77

29 June 2019

What's In Your Jukebox? 🎧🎶

Finally! I got some free time to do a short blog and a quick update today...

Well, the school holiday is always the busiest time for me as a work-at-home mum. The kids keep me occupied all day, I rarely have much time to do my own stuff and it's madness some days, but I still love my 2 sweethearts very much! Oh yes, I had a wonderful birthday celebration with family and friends last week.

So, for the past few weeks...I have been busy writing a song for my kids for SG:SW2019 我写我的歌,  it's a Song Writing Contest in Singapore. I think music is another great way to express yourself besides blogging. However, songwriting is much time consuming, especially while recording a demo, singing and playing with an instrument...but the whole process is fun and very rewarding! Thankfully, I managed to submit my song demo & full lyrics before the closing date! 😅

I am not Jay Chou (周杰伦) or David Tao (陶喆). I admire their great musical talents and I love many of their songs too...Personally, I think it doesn't matter who you are, as long as you have a passion for music and love to write songs, just go ahead and make your own music!

A good song to me is something that touches the heart and soul, it makes you feel connected to the lyrics and inspired you...and that song would stay in your head for a very long time! 

For me, joining a contest is not always about winning. Of course, it would be a bonus and a great achievement if you do win, but the true beauty of writing a song is expressing what you feel for the people you love and when my son told me he loves the song that I wrote for him and his little sister...Wow! That is pure happiness, a sense of accomplishment and that's all it matters to me! 😍

Music is a big part of my life! Yeah, I could talk about music all day... Basically, I need music every day! I even put on my wireless headphones while doing the housework and cooking etc, I guess it makes the daily house chores less boring..haha! 

I love soft rock, hip-hop, R&B, New Age and Pop music. I listen to many different songs that connect my emotions and situations that I could relate to. It could be anything from classic to the latest hits.

Nuff said! Here are my current favorite playlists :

Click the links to listen ⏩

Mandy Favorite (English) Playlist

Mandy Favorite (Mixed) Playlist

What kind of music do you like? Drop a comment below or email me. Enjoy the music and happy weekend folks! 😘

Blogger Mommywarrior77