I've always love Taekwondo.
For ages, I'm amazed by the stunning kick patterns, self-defense techniques and the 5 Tenets of Taekwondo. However, I never had the chance to have a formal training when I was younger and my mom is worried that I'll be too masculine..lol😅
But anyways, allow me to share an official news on my blog today!😊
My 11yo son got his Taekwondo Black Belt (Ist Dan). Yeah, I am filled with joy & excitement and I would like to share my personal experience and thoughts on this Black Belt journey...
It's been a challenging but a rewarding process. Though there were some delays due to the pandemic restrictions earlier and a few failed gradings in the past, but my son pass his Black Belt grading on the first attempt. My family is overwhelmed by his performance and we are really proud of his accomplishment.
From Zero To Hero! (*White To Black Belt)
My son N, is very much a gentle and mellow kid. He isn't a huge fan of Martial Arts, Kung-Fu, Wu Shu that sort...In fact, he loves Science, Robotics and Music, but like many concerned parents, we are always worried that our kids might get bullied in school, so I encouraged him to learn Taekwondo as a form of self-protection and to boost his physical fitness. Quite frankly, I never expect him to get a Black Belt at this young age, but I'm grateful that he did and completed the course.
I still remember when he failed his grading at Green/Blue belt when he was about 8yo, it was emotional...I felt his sadness and disappointment. After all, no one likes to fail. At some point, we hesitated and even thought of giving up Taekwondo, especially when some of his friends started quitting at Green/Blue belt, but I told him NOT to give up! I want my children to be resilient with determination and perseverance, so I motivate him to continue the training...I believe in my son and I know he can do it!
As parents, it's important to show our full support and encouragement to our children and guide them to achieve their goals and dreams. Even if they take a little longer, we shouldn't just give up. A slow progress is still better than no progress! I've been his biggest cheer leader in every Taekwondo gradings and I enjoyed these amazing experiences.
Life is full of challenges, setbacks and failure is part of life! It's OK to fail, but don't be afraid to try again. Sometimes, we have to push ourselves a little harder to discover our full potentials.
Life is full of challenges, setbacks and failure is part of life! It's OK to fail, but don't be afraid to try again. Sometimes, we have to push ourselves a little harder to discover our full potentials.
I've learnt many tough life lessons and with an assertive personality today, I don't give up easily and I stand firm with integrity.
Personally, I don't believe in quitting, unless there are valid reasons or special circumstances. When I started something new, a course, an assignment, a project or a goal etc..I will do my best to complete it with all my efforts.(but that's just me and my perspective.)
I'm glad my son took my advice and go all the way, he didn't quit even though every level gets tougher! Getting a Black Belt isn't easy for anyone, it takes a lot of hard work, practices and self-discipline to keep leveling up and earn the Black Belt.

A Black Belt Is Born! :)
When I saw N wearing the Black Belt at the ceremony that day...Wow! it's beyond words can describe and deep emotions run through my mind. My little guy look so manly with his Black Belt around his waist. I feel safe and protected to have my personal "Body Guard" beside me.Lol..It's one of the greatest moments indeed and I'm really happy for him.🥰
I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to his Masters / Trainers for the guidance, patience and hard work for the past few years.
The Black Belt journey has taught me some important life lessons. As long as you keep trying, be consistent and believe in yourself, you will get there! Nothing comes easy in life, without determination and willpower, there is no progression nor success. I firmly believe...The harder the battle, the sweetest the victory!
Keep Trying...Don't Let Yourself Down!
Perseverance is strength. When you set a new goal, stay committed with solidity and you will achieve a positive outcome.
We may not always be the fastest, the greatest or the most outstanding ones, but keep in mind that the tortoise won the race for its hard work and persistence.
In life, people may fail you, but Do NOT fail yourself! Success may take a while, but it's all worthwhile in the end! We made it when we refuse to quit and this remarkable journey has displayed the core values and the indomitable spirit of Taekwondo.😎
" A Black Belt Is A White Belt Who
Never Quits! "
Keep Training Hard...Taekwon! 👊