Psst ladies! "Want to know my beauty secret?"😉 guessed it right! It's Bird's Nest.
I've always love Bird's Nest and I have been taking them regularly for years...It's my all time favorite beauty supplement to maintain good health, radiant glowing skin and staying youthful.
Eat Well. Look Good. Feel Great!
Well, who doesn't love smooth, radiant skin and look much younger than their Trust me! being told that you look young is like walking on clouds, a huge compliment that every woman love! So for me, I do believe, "A bottle a week, keeps the wrinkles away!" 😄
Bird's Nest is a traditional, lavish tonic among ladies. Rich in collagen, amino acid, antioxidants and many various minerals. Consuming Bird's Nest regularly can benefits general health, boost immunity, nourish lungs function, strengthen bones, improve complexion and helps anti-aging. With the rich nutritional value, it's no wonder Bird's Nest is a popular nourishing supplement for Mommy-To-Be and the growing baby.
Oh! I love these Premium Bird's Nest from The Purest Co. There are 4 different flavors.
- Bird's Nest with Wolfberries & Pandan 150g
- Bird's Nest with Collagen & Pearl 150g
- Snow Hashima with Red Dates 150g
- Snow Hashima with Ginseng 150g
The Purest.Co Bird's Nest is made with all natural premium ingredients and each bottle contains 9 grams of genuine superior-quality, concentrated Bird's Nest.
✔ No Artificial Flavouring, No Colouring and No Preservatives
✔ Freshest and Highest Quality Ingredients
✔ Ethically harvested from the best farms in South East Asia
✔ Made in Singapore
Oh Yummy..Taste Heavenly!
This is one of the best Bird's Nest I have tasted! Wow! Just look at the rich and thick golden essence of the Bird's Nest. Mild sweetness, tender with a gelatinous texture. It's tasty, refreshing, all natural and a savory delicacy that melts in the mouth! I enjoy these great tasting, nutritious Bird's Nest, warm or chilled.
I would highly recommend their products to all my readers, friends and family. Bird's Nest is a wonderful gift for all occasions.
Supplements For Mothers...
I remember taking Bird's Nest during my pregnancies and after childbirths. My mom is always the first to stock up tons of TCM herbal tonic that includes my favorite Bird'Nest! She would constantly remind me to eat well and rest well. She believe it is important to recuperate fast during postpartum period with good nourishing tonic & health supplements to regain stamina and vitality.

Mother's Day is just days away..It's time to express love, appreciation, gratitude to our mother for their hard work and sacrifices for the family.
Mommies deserve a yummy treat any day! Pamper our Dearest Mom with the purest gift this Mother' Day!🌷 #LivePurest
"Good Nutrition is the key to Live Healthy and Live Purest..."
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(Disclaimer : This review is a sponsored collaboration with The Purest Co. All opinions and thoughts expressed are based on my personal experience.By Mommywarrior77)